Chickens legs give out!

You could try giving her some vitamin D3 supplement from the pet store (must be D3 they can't absorb other d vitamins) at 3x the recommended dose and see if she starts to improve after a few days, if she does continue for 2 weeks.
If her particularly brutal molt has upset her absorption of the balance of nescesary vitamins and minerals they need it could have caused a form of rickets. No other ideas I'm afraid.
Partial paralysis shows its self in various ways. It appeared very suddenly in my pullet and I thought she had broken a leg, as only one leg was affected at first. I tried to help it like you would a broken or spraddle leg but this led to the paralysis just getting worse. She would push to her feet, wobble back and forth, and then fall on her face. She would scream and flap her wings and I would run over and pick her up. It was really sad to see her in such poor condition.
Some of the hints that it was paralysis was her inability to pull her legs underneath her (she went to the side, behind, or in front of her), unable to control her feet, and having no other sign of disease (including a strong appetite).

Here she is. Her name was Amber, and she was such a sweet little bantam

When you held her she would stiffen her legs out but they would collapse when pressure was put under them

RIP Amber, I still miss you

Spittle was another chicken that suffered a similar issue. I'm not sure if it was spraddle leg or paralysis, however.

In an injury to the leg there shouldn't be signs of paralysis, but an injury to the back or head could cause nerve damage.
Thanks Coopmama!! I hope she gets better too.. She actually seemed to get a bit better this weekend so keeping my fingers crossed. She can walk a bit better now and doesn't drop down as often so hopefully something is improving.. Thanks again all!!
Sorry I didn't see the other two posts.. I am sorry for your loss Gitabooks, what a cute girl. I will try the Vit D3 supplement and see if that helps she is standing straight up more now and and can walk a few more steps without the dipping but still does it after about 3 steps..I hope this is just a tough molt that we get through.. She is still chipper, eating, drinking and pooping..She is also starting to cluck more and stretch up to look outside her smaller indoor pen like she is thinking maybe she can make it out soon.. I hope she doesn't try yet:)
Sorry I didn't see the other two posts.. I am sorry for your loss Gitabooks, what a cute girl. I will try the Vit D3 supplement and see if that helps she is standing straight up more now and and can walk a few more steps without the dipping but still does it after about 3 steps..I hope this is just a tough molt that we get through.. She is still chipper, eating, drinking and pooping..She is also starting to cluck more and stretch up to look outside her smaller indoor pen like she is thinking maybe she can make it out soon.. I hope she doesn't try yet:)


I really hope your girl gets better soon!
She is coming around!!!!! She is walking pretty much normal, her feathers are coming back and she even laid an egg!!! I seriously thought we were going to lose her and she is starting to look good again! Thanks everybody!!

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