Chickens neck feathers?


6 Years
Mar 31, 2013
Sunny California

This is my 19 week old chicken. She is an EE, and did have a small beard. Today I noticed that nearly all her beard feathers and some neck feathers are missing. This has happened within the last two or three days. I also noticed her ears have turned colors as well. I only have one other chicken, that I haven't seen peck this one or anything. I just switched them to layer feed last week. They get some scratch everyday as well as some greens, veggies, and fruits...most days some meal worms as well. Can anyone explain why she is losing these feathers?!
Many chickens in the northern hemisphere are beginning to molt, a yearly event to prepare their bodies for the coming winter. Molt usually begins with one area going bald, new pin feathers erupting, then another area goes bald, until they get a whole new outfit to keep them warm all winter.

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