Chickens not laying

One of the best sources of feed in TN is just up the road from OP. I don't use him cause it's a three hour drive and then I don't have the equipment to unload it. I ended up going further south only because the salesmen live just up the road from me.
It tastes good to humans but I read it has a coating that tastes bad to chickens unless washed. Not to argue or anything, just my opinion from
a Paleo-based nutrition on grains. Something about lectins I believe.
I believe that sometimes, summer raised pullets will not come into lay until later than those hatched in the early spring. They might start laying in December. Right now, the days are getting shorter, which is not biologically stimulating to them. They might wait til early spring before they commence. That is the reason some people ( I do not myself) will put lights on in their coop to get the birds thinking the days are getting longer or long enough. There is probably nothing wrong with your chickens. I would not give them the calcium carbonate containing layer feed until you start seeing some eggs. But otherwise, just keep them healthy and they will commence laying when nature tells them.
Layer pellets will not promote laying. It is just extra calcium to protect their bones during egg production, I am told it can be hard on the birds kidneys in general. I don't know if that is true. I would give them what you feed meat birds til they start laying. "Flock raiser" by Purina is good stuff. And mites, while they should be prevented, will not cause chickens to delay laying unless the infestation were such that the birds were anemic. As for worming. Every six months is more than enough. Worming solutions are toxins and you are essentially giving your birds a low dose of poison every time so you have to be careful. The long and short of it is if your birds look good, and behave healthily, they are likely healthy.
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Almost every one of these birds should be laying now. They are free range and eat all day long. I quit feeding layer pellets because it wasn't working. They dynamics of the flock has changed drastically. The hens range all over the place. They rooster no longer is interested in the hens and almost always is by himself. When I throw out scraps, he is now "everyone for him/herself". No longer letting the hens know where to get the best scraps or scratch. In fact, he will peck at them just like the hens do to each other when I feed them.

Please clarify what you mean by, "I quit feeding layer pellets because it wasn't working."

Do you mean that you quit feeding them layer pellets because they weren't eating the pellets? Or because they weren't laying eggs?
:confused:I also have 3 pullets, leghorns that are 8 months old. February chicks, And I started getting eggs from 2 of the 3 at just about 5 1/2 months. I got 2 eggs a day for 3 weeks then nothing for about 40 days then 1 egg for 3 weeks. And nothing for the last 40 days. I have. I bumped up to a 21 % feed about 20 days ago. I have 1 ISA brown hen that lays all the time even when we hit 121° here in Phx she kept laying. she stopped for 2 weeks in august after I had to rehome the rooster ( she loved him) but is doing great on the 21%. Nice big eggs with great shell. I did notice new pin feathers on one pullet but the other two are not in a hard molt however on all three of them the combs have shrunk and are no longer red they are pink now. They eat great and always have full crops and feathers are shiny. I also have some April pullets, so 6 months but they are heritage and I'm not really expecting eggs from them any time soon. Sooo I'm kinda at a loss to
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I've heard adding cayenne pepper powder to the feed stimulates them to lay? So in extreme cases use bhut jolokia aka ghost peppers...?
I've found the whole loss of daylight thing doesn't apply to pullets coming into lay in the fall, for me typically lay all winter with short days and subzero temps.
Hope you find the problem, nothing worse than a bunch off free-loading birds not earning their keep, makes it seem hardly worth it.

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