Chickens not wanting to roost

I dig chicks

7 Years
May 21, 2015
I just "winterized" my coop by by placing a piece of plywood over an open section of the coop since it's finally starting to get cold. I went out to close the door and took a quick peek inside and noticed they were all on the ground instead of their roost. They're always on the roost every night, so this struck me as odd. I went back and checked again and they still weren't. Finally I just grabbed each one and placed them on the roost. They seemed to stay. This is the first night of having the plywood up, so should I not worry and they'll finally figure it out. Anything to worry about? This is my first winter with chickens.
I think that they will be fine. When I first put up the roost for my chickens over the summer, they were still on the ground for a couple days! Same for my chicks, but after a day they usually get it. I think its just time and they'll learn.
I just "winterized" my coop by by placing a piece of plywood over an open section of the coop since it's finally starting to get cold. I went out to close the door and took a quick peek inside and noticed they were all on the ground instead of their roost. They're always on the roost every night, so this struck me as odd. I went back and checked again and they still weren't. Finally I just grabbed each one and placed them on the roost. They seemed to stay. This is the first night of having the plywood up, so should I not worry and they'll finally figure it out. Anything to worry about? This is my first winter with chickens.
Changes to their environment can throw them for a loop.....
.....put them on the roosts for a few nights until they get used to the new 'scenery'.
Update to this. Just went out to check on them and for the 5th night in a row they were not on the roost. They stay on it all night when I put them on it, but they're not getting on it on their own. A) should I still be worried B) what can I do to get them up there on their own?
Wonders if it's now darker in the coop when they go in to roost and they can't see well enough to get up there?
Not really anything to worry about, but better if they are roosting.
My sister has a few hens and a giant Buff Orpinton rooster and they never roost! They just huddle inside their little secure area at night! They live in west Ireland.

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