Chickens please respond.


6 Years
Aug 9, 2013
im new on here and anxious to talk about chickens were I live that about rules over the.. town.. so yep.
Well we've owned some breeds I can name. ill just name some of my favorite chickens.

my phoenix rooster - phoenix - he was more of a golden super long tail sadly he died three years ago totally crushed us he was such a gentlemen to his hen he would wait for her to lay her egg then they would walk off together we had him for quite a few years he had only hen the roosters had the rest any time they would try and steal her he would whip their buts even though he was so old he was never mean to people either but after his hen died he soon disappeared to we only found one of his tail feathers.

Then their was Dusty- some type Rhode island red shed let you pick her up and carry her anywhere but we gave her to one of ours neighbors and a fox killed her and the rest of their flock.

- tiger- never did figure out what he was he was white with black on him with a short greenish blueish blackish tail feathers he had a black mask around his two eyes he would flop anyone but me he would let me play with him all day.
Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you have had some cool chickens. Phoenix sounded like he was a great rooster. If you have a photo of Tiger, you should post it. He sounds unusual with that black mask. I am guessing you meant that he flogs rather than flops, lol.
we usually called it flop maybe that's just my small town talk when they try to spur you sadly I don't have any pictures of tiger least I don't think so I gotta look at the old computer if I find any ill post them I know I can find some of phoenix yes your right he was a great rooster this picture is pretty funny though don't worry I separated the fight after the picture the meat chicken was goliath
other two didn't have names .

so I just realized ... all the pictures on the coumpter were erased cuase of a virus I only have this one left.
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They are beautiful! I'm sorry for you losses.
I love it when other people love their birds like I do! By the way, welcome to BYC, we're so glad that you joined us!!
yeah thanks goliath ended up having a heart attack I was like uh.... our chicken just had a heart attack others got ate by a fox.. and our neighbors dog which does not eat an chickens anymore such a silly dog pepper is people keep letting her lose though.

we have one leghorn right now and a mean rooster im looking to get my own chicken though im looking for a silkie but im thinking about mabe another phoenix in the future.
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I'm glad you have one photo of Phoenix, and you have many good memories of him.

Flop -that's funny. We all have our own words when it comes to animals. Actually I have a rooster who is about 4 years old who really does flop when he tries to kick. He usually lives peacefully with his brothers of the same age, and every now and then he gets into a scuffle with them and does a warning kick. But he is not really secure on his feet when he kicks, and tends to lose his balance and really does flop. I tell him not to bother trying to fight because he and his brothers are too old for it.
lol yeah well that photo isn't of my boy sadly its more of our other three roosters we had a few years back we don't have a photo of phoenix anymore but we have a tail feather right now we have to settle for a mean meat rooster .. im thinking about whacking him in the head with a fring pan one day weve done that before with other mean roosters its rather fun it just confuses them ... our black and gold one was super mean .. but so pretty his nickname was demon.

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