chickens still sick

Ok thanks you guys...I am learning so much from this forum.
Many times after an antibiotic is given, the bowel or gut bacteria is out of whack, so the probiotics or yogurt will start up the good gut bacteria again. Coccidiosis is very hard on chickens and it can damage the intestines. Since you have 1 pretty young chick, and the others are right at the age they are developing immunity to coccidia, I would do the second round of 1/2 strength Corid after they have a little rest. Here is a good article on coccidiosis:$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex4616
As one of the of the previous posters has said its always best to consult a vet and have proper tests done there are such a wide range of Diseases and Infections that chickens are susceptible to.

There are a number of reasons I don't believe it to be Coccidiosis at least not now anyway...I don't have an exact idea of your timescales with regards to you getting your chickens then them getting Sick and how long exactly it has been since they where sick. There are many types of Coccidiosis 10 or more I think. The most common are Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria Maxima and Eimeria tenella with the latter being one of the most common and the type you are more than likely to have/had. Immunity to one type does not give immunity to the other.

The main reason I would say you possibly don't have cocci is That the life cycle of Coccidiosis is pretty short 4-10 days. First seen around 3 days after infection by day four some symptoms may be visible with some blood, Blood will be most visible on days 5 and 6 by day 7-10 the bird will either be dead or recovering. I don't know exactly how long your birds have been sick etc so I could be wrong!! They may have had it for sure but it can lead to other chronic diseases so this is what I would look at. In the industry they use products such Monteban, Maxiban and Elancoban in the feed as a preventative measure and for treatment which is extremely effective unfortunately these are not widely available to buy.

Your best bet would be to get tests done you could treat them forever and still not be treating the right thing.
Well I just called the closest exotic vet they said I can't just bring in a stool sample or nasal swab. I have to bring the sickest bird in for a $75 fee then any & all testing will be other charges. I can't do this I have spent alot already which my husband thinks I am crazy. So I will just keep doing the best I can.
I can understand that. My dog and cat vet said I could bring in a stool sample and they will test it for me. It used to cost $5--now is up to $20. Having a good relationship with your local vet sometimes comes in handy.
Wish he would do that for me. :( On a different note does anyone know when I can give them the medicated feed again? I just don't want to waist the whole thing. I haven't been giving it to them while on their corid.
I was wondering what you guys think..the silkie that I have had in the house since sunday with the full crop who was throwing up & head shaking. Since I got her a few weeks ago she is about 3 months I believe. She was off of all food on Sunday. Then had a little applesauce yesterday also I made a mash with her crumbles. Then gently rubbed her crop thru out the day for the first time she didnt throw up & this morning her crop had went down and seemed normal. I then today have done the same thing but have noticed her shaking her head alot & seems uncomfortable & when I gentle message today there is alot of gurgling noises. Also Is it normal to feel their throat so easily? She is my first silkie. She acts like she is starving but If I feed her more I know she will throw up again. Has anyone gone thru anything like this?
I would progress slowly on the foods. Maybe back off to the applesauce again, then try the crumbles mush tomorrow. You can give her probiotics to help or just the tiniest bit of yogurt (it has too much calcium for chicks.) Here is a good link for crop problems:

Nystatin is available online as Medistatin powder without a prescription.

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