Chickens & Storms help


Aug 14, 2020
Northern California
Hello, currently there is a storm going around my area with really loud wind and lightning. My chickens are only 15 weeks old and I’m afraid that they’ll get blown around ( they do not free range)do I need to lock them in the henhouse or bring them inside?Im really scared since the weather people sent out a warning to stay inside because you might get struck or blown
If it's safe for you to go out & lock them in their shelter then that's what I'd do, but don't risk your own safety during a lightning storm if it's really bad. As long as your chickens have access to some type of shelter they should be fine. My flock have weathered many strong windy thunderstorms so far this summer & they've all been fine.
If your coop is attached to a larger structure, you can just keep them in the coop. But if you have a coop similar to the ones from TS, I personally would bring them into the garage.
Chickens are low to the ground and so have less surface area to be blow around. I have worried many time if they could be blown away in the high wind we get occasionally, bit they where fine. If you can stand the wind easily then they probably can, and if the wind and rain bothers them they will go inside.
Ok thanks everyone I think it has slowed down and the chickens are out for their eat and drink before they go rest again. Since our coop is held down by large bricks I think I will let them keep doing their thing. But if it will get worse I will put them in the henhouse or a large dog pen in the garage

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