Chickens were attached


Apr 18, 2021
So something went after my chickens today Im missing 6 found one dead an another injured it's up walking little bit of blood on it but I'm concerned of it's breathing it's sounds like crackling or water I'm not sure if it's lungs are messed up or something is there anything I can do for it?
Sorry about the predator attack. I lost 3 hens in middle of day to a bobcat last year, and saw it coming back for the last body. Do you see any piles of feathers? Could some have escaped to hide? I would keep looking for them.

Crackles breathing can be moisture in the airway, which could be coming from the crop or injury to the lungs or air sacs. I would keep her in a quiet, dim spot where she is warm. Offer sips of water often if she is alert and able. A tsp of sugar per cup of water or electrolytes can help if she is in shock. Look for any hidden wounds or punctures under wings, back, and elsewhere. Clean any wounds with chlorhexidene and apply plain antibiotic ointment twice a day. Let us know how she is doing.
Sorry about the predator attack. I lost 3 hens in middle of day to a bobcat last year, and saw it coming back for the last body. Do you see any piles of feathers? Could some have escaped to hide? I would keep looking for them.

Crackles breathing can be moisture in the airway, which could be coming from the crop or injury to the lungs or air sacs. I would keep her in a quiet, dim spot where she is warm. Offer sips of water often if she is alert and able. A tsp of sugar per cup of water or electrolytes can help if she is in shock. Look for any hidden wounds or punctures under wings, back, and elsewhere. Clean any wounds with chlorhexidene and apply plain antibiotic ointment twice a day. Let us know how she is doing.
Okay will do I have found one pile of hair.. maybe they are hiding cause I found one chicken hiding by my house but still missing 4 chicken and 1 duck

I'm going to leave dead one out to see if it comes back for it
I have them locked in the coop so they are safe lately I've had them locked in fenced area so I thought it would be nice to let them free range for the day wish I wouldn't have now..

We had one fox a week or two ago get one chicken but I shot it I thought they were fine after that. Have had chickens for 4-5 years always free range without a issue till just now
I will be keeping them in a safe fenced in area now I guess
As far as the wounded one last I check on it it's breathing sounded better it's up and moving good but I'm waiting on my wife to get back so we can Doctor it up. Felt like I was going to hurt it more by trying to do it myself
Little update some chickens must have been hiding cause some showed up later I looked everywhere for them so they hid good lol

Ended up two injuries ones pretty rough with the crackling breathing and wounds are kinda deep hope it pulls through.. other one just missing some hair and a scratch but it's one wing hangs down I'm not sure if it's dislocated or something but doesn't seem to be in pain..

Still missing one chicken and one duck guessing they are gone 😔

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