Chickens will not come out of their coop


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2017
Hi - I'm new to all this and just got my pullets yesterday. Maybe its normal, but they will not come out of their coop and only one of them seems to roost at all. The rest of them just sort of hang out on the floor. They seem terrified and do not like to be handled. They are eating and drinking just fine so that's good. Any suggestions to get them outdoors?
pd-riverman is correct, pullets and roos at that age are timid and need time to learn that you are not a scary monster and that they will be fine good luck xx
Well with 10,000 hatched and 100's and 100's growed out in a little over 3 years---I sure been there with this type of situation---more than once---LOL.
Thank you :) I'll keep working to get them outside. The advice is definitely appreciated.
Just don't run them out----best to let them do it at their own pace--If you run them out---then you will probably have a worse problem getting them to go back in. I do have a dim light that turns on a little while before dark inside their coop---to Draw them back in at bed time. Some times I might be dealing with a 100 +/- and trying to collect that many to put in the coop at dark is no fun----the light works GREAT but I only allow it to stay on about 2 hrs---little before dark and a little after. A Christmas light timer is Great to use----on at dusk and you can set it for every how many hours you want it on---as said I choose 2.
Just don't run them out----best to let them do it at their own pace--If you run them out---then you will probably have a worse problem getting them to go back in. I do have a dim light that turns on a little while before dark inside their coop---to Draw them back in at bed time. Some times I might be dealing with a 100 +/- and trying to collect that many to put in the coop at dark is no fun----the light works GREAT but I only allow it to stay on about 2 hrs---little before dark and a little after. A Christmas light timer is Great to use----on at dusk and you can set it for every how many hours you want it on---as said I choose 2.

Good call on the light! I do live in Canada so our summer days are super long, but this will be very useful come fall. They managed to spend a little time outside yesterday evening...getting them back in the coop was quite comical from my husband's perspective.

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