chickens won’t eat out of new feeder?!


Oct 24, 2017
White lake, Michigan. (Or detroit)
hi guys,

so i just bought one of those feeders where the chickens have to stick their entire heads in. it’s like those pvc pipe feeders. i got it yesterday, and my chickens have NO idea how to eat out of it. i have tried putting their heads inside of it but they still have no idea how to do it. should i just give them some more time?
I have one of those and my chickens had some trouble learning to use the feeder as well. I would put feed as far out into their sight as allowed by the feeder. Put their head into the feeder somewhat regularly. Make sure it's a the right height for your birds, at head height or a little shorter is fine too. It took mine maybe a little less than a week before they faithfully used it, so I left a little dish out for the slower ones, only because they were young and I was afraid of stunting their growth. Maybe that made it slower, but I can't tell for sure.

When putting their head in the feeder I would hold them with their head in right above the feed until you see their head moving and pecking to get food, just to make sure they make that connection. Best of luck! It's certainly worth it as to reducing food waste and mess, they will still make a small mess though but that's just chickens!

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