Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

The second highest energy dog that I've ever met is my other friends twoish year old labradoodle. She is just full of love and gives me hugs. It's amazing. She loves running around and fields and tennis balls, and she is my fremd.

yeah, they are good dogs, really. good dogs, some are pretty, too (the human eye thing scares me).. but they have issues, having ton of everlasting energy isn't good, the dog is always wired to go. its mentally damaging to the dog, and its exausting to the owner.
I have 4 dogs, including two mastiff breeds.
English Mastiffs are my favorite favorite breed of all🥰🥰🥰

m open to any suggestions of ratter breeds as long as they aren’t Jack Russells.
What??! Why not a couple of Jacks?? I had two and we NEVER had any issue with any small mammals, anywhere,. Actually, when my two jacks passed we slowly had voles and bunny nests a over our yard. I suddenly figures out why people complained about the mice. Hahahaha

Raw would be WAY expensive for mastiffs, I would suggest canidae, Taste of the wild, Orijen, Victor, Wellness core, theres a few others.
Yes, very expensive to feed a mastiff raw. I spent a lot of time looking at sales and driving to the stores for the meat on sale. I have gotten our raw diet to average about $1-2/lb for our larger breed and I buy organic raw grinds for the cat and senior dog. We were able to feed 220# of dogs a raw diet for less than the price of orijen! I love a challenge😁

I am actually switching the large 6 yr old to kibble. He's never eaten it so I'm a bit worried. But glad to see the suggestions of food. Thanks!
@BigBlueHen53 You have a dog in your profile is adorable. What breed is it?
Thank you, that is a Shetland Sheepdog, also known as a Sheltie. People who are not familiar with the breed call them miniature Collies or miniature Lassies. His name is Sammy, he is my grandson's 3-yo boon companion. We also have my Gracie, who is about 11 yo, same breed but unrelated. Here she is. She has the "talkingest" eyes, lol! She is way over breed standard for size and her ears don't match ... but she is MY "boon companion," and our chickens get to free range because of her. She keeps the coyotes away. ❤


ETA: Here she is asking for her bedtime cookie. I ask you, could YOU say No to this face? 🤣
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Thank you, that is a Shetland Sheepdog, also known as a Sheltie. People who are not familiar with the breed call them miniature Collies or miniature Lassies. His name is Sammy, he is my grandson's 3-yo boon companion. We also have my Gracie, who is about 11 yo, same breed but unrelated. Here she is. She has the "talkingest" eyes, lol! She is way over breed standard for size and her ears don't match ... but she is MY "boon companion," and our chickens get to free range because of her. She keeps the coyotes away. ❤

View attachment 2554253

ETA: Here she is asking for her bedtime cookie. I ask you, could YOU say No to this face? 🤣
She is so cute!!I love her coloring!!
Do you have to brush her a lot?
I could NOT say no to this face. Too cute, I"m already wanting to give her cookies
English Mastiffs are my favorite favorite breed of all🥰🥰🥰

m open to any suggestions of ratter breeds as long as they aren’t Jack Russells.
What??! Why not a couple of Jacks?? I had two and we NEVER had any issue with any small mammals, anywhere,. Actually, when my two jacks passed we slowly had voles and bunny nests a over our yard. I suddenly figures out why people complained about the mice. Hahahaha

Yes, very expensive to feed a mastiff raw. I spent a lot of time looking at sales and driving to the stores for the meat on sale. I have gotten our raw diet to average about $1-2/lb for our larger breed and I buy organic raw grinds for the cat and senior dog. We were able to feed 220# of dogs a raw diet for less than the price of orijen! I love a challenge😁

I am actually switching the large 6 yr old to kibble. He's never eaten it so I'm a bit worried. But glad to see the suggestions of food. Thanks!
The food bill for two (active mastiffs) a lab mix and a miniature dachshund runs about $450 per month.

I was kind of surprised that all Mastiffs were lumped into the, not need much exercise category.

Not all Mastiffs are made the same.




Both of these breeds are VERY active and we love it! Picked the breeds for protection and activity level. They can also live 11+ years.

You really have figured out the raw diet challenge and succeeded! I will need to take your advice and start shopping around.
She is so cute!!I love her coloring!!
Do you have to brush her a lot?
I could NOT say no to this face. Too cute, I"m already wanting to give her cookies
Thank you! I really don't brush her much, as her coat is coarse and sheds water and repels the little burrs we have around here, but about once every three months a good friend of mine comes over and gives her a thorough grooming. This friend was a vet tech for about 15 years and does a real nice job on her. I pay her higher than the going rate bc I once took her to a local commercial groomer and was very disappointed in the results. This lady comes to my house and spends about 8 hours giving Gracie a total spa day! We both love her! I've had Shelties before, though, that I used to sit on the floor with and groom for hours. Fun for both of us when I was young and limber enough to do it. 😉

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