Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

I’ve heard of several people that have done crate and rotate and/or otherwise similar extremely strict management, like putting them in a separate bedroom or wherever, for years. Personally I don’t think I would ever have dogs that wouldn’t get along because it would be extremely stressful and no fun for me but if you’re careful about it and do it right, it can be done. Just way too much work for me 😂 and of course the risk that if they broke out, they would hurt each other. Some even had dogs that would kill each other if they got together :eek:
In this case the little doodle puppy would not survive the encounter.
if you believed that for a second you must really NOT know me

I STRONGLY dislike doodles!!

And @LaFleche Terriers take a lot more work to hand strip! I'll get a poodle when deacon passes, and I'll groom it myself.. It wont take nearly as much work as hand stripping a dog :O i'll keep it in a sport clip or in a german. It will take about 30 mins of maintenance per day and a hour or two on big groom days
if you believed that for a second you must really NOT know me

I STRONGLY dislike doodles!!

And @LaFleche Terriers take a lot more work to hand strip! I'll get a poodle when deacon passes, and I'll groom it myself.. It wont take nearly as much work as hand stripping a dog :O i'll keep it in a sport clip or in a german. It will take about 30 mins of maintenance per day and a hour or two on big groom days

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