Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

@berryncherry @cherrynberry

Socilization is NOT letting your dog play with other dogs. Believe it or not, your dog does NOT need friends. Socilization is the process of letting your dog see a dog, and not react. Its just normalizing other dogs. You're doing the backwards of socilization. Bringing your scared dog to the dog park is making your dog even more scared of dogs. I suggest going to a park, and jackpot rewarding your dog every time a dog walks past and your dog doesn't react. That is socilization.

@BigBlueHen53 , you agree?
So dogs are not supposed to play with other dogs? I see plenty of other dogs that walk next to their owners (in heel) and also allow other dogs to sniff them and such. And when they are allowed to "sniff" they also do chase a ball, go fetch, and allow other dogs to join in with them without even flinching.
So dogs are not supposed to play with other dogs? I see plenty of other dogs that walk next to their owners (in heel) and also allow other dogs to sniff them and such. And when they are allowed to "sniff" they also do chase a ball, go fetch, and allow other dogs to join in with them without even flinching.
Not all dogs will get to the point of being able to play with other dogs.:D
But I do have one question...
What am I supposed to do once he starts to react(as in from a distance)? Bringing him away will only reward the behavior, so do I just stay and say "no"?:hmm
Pull off to the side, far away from the other dog. Create SOME distance. If your dog starts to react, wait for him to stop (he'll stop eventually), walk away. The walking away rewards him for stopping the reaction
So dogs are not supposed to play with other dogs? I see plenty of other dogs that walk next to their owners (in heel) and also allow other dogs to sniff them and such. And when they are allowed to "sniff" they also do chase a ball, go fetch, and allow other dogs to join in with them without even flinching.
I didn't say they aren't supposed to, I said they don't have to.

You aren't supposed to put a scared small dog into a dog park

you are supposed to allow structured play time with trusted dogs.

but you don't need to let your dog play with other dogs at all, either.
@berryncherry @cherrynberry

Socilization is NOT letting your dog play with other dogs. Believe it or not, your dog does NOT need friends. Socilization is the process of letting your dog see a dog, and not react. Its just normalizing other dogs. You're doing the backwards of socilization. Bringing your scared dog to the dog park is making your dog even more scared of dogs. I suggest going to a park, and jackpot rewarding your dog every time a dog walks past and your dog doesn't react. That is socilization.

@BigBlueHen53 , you agree?
Sounds good to me. I would work obedience to give him something else to focus on besides the other dogs. If there were dogs off leash, I might even go places there were NO dogs first, such as a Walmart parking lot or something where there are lots of people and traffic for distractions. Then later try the dog park. I don't use treats in training, by the way, it's just another distraction. Your voice, face and touch are WONDERFUL rewards if you use them right.
A ball or a toy can be a good reward too. This is what cops use, not treats.
cops also usually work with working breeds.

I've noticed GSDs and MALs are much more likely to work for a ball, rather than a pet dog.

Deacon would NEVER work for a ball, play with one, maybe do a few tricks at home? yeah sure.. do stuff in public for one? no. He won't work for only praise in public, either. most of my training is without any food, only verbal praise, which he is "meh" about. if I really want to set him up for sucess in a new place, I bring food.
cops also usually work with working breeds.

I've noticed GSDs and MALs are much more likely to work for a ball, rather than a pet dog.

Deacon would NEVER work for a ball, play with one, maybe do a few tricks at home? yeah sure.. do stuff in public for one? no. He won't work for only praise in public, either. most of my training is without any food, only verbal praise, which he is "meh" about. if I really want to set him up for sucess in a new place, I bring food.
Everybody knows their own dog best.

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