Chickentrain's Dog Q&A

Glad he's doing better! He's grown up so much since the last time I saw him. The video doesn't work right now. I would love to see him doing his Frisbee practice! My Bostie doesn't know what to do with a Frisbee. It's hilarious.
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(not a Frisbee 👆)
hes just a baby still, so he's working on rollers at the moment. I'll get a video for you in a moment
Oh dear. Poor guy. Are you giving him probiotics, yogurt to build up the gut biome? Scrambled eggs for the protein? Nutritional yeast for the B vitamins? I agree with the small frequent meals in case he still has gut inflammation and it hurts to eat. Might try TOTW grain-free diet and wet it. Good luck with him. :hugs
I haven't. His vet hasn't recommended any of that.
I have a dog breed question again! We finally moved to a house with land yay! Expect it came with a family of rats living near the house. So we are looking in to getting a ratting dog that will live outside, but my mother wants something that can be trained not to eat chickens and she does not want a jack russel. So what breed or mix of types of breeds would be good? I am open to mixes because we are probably rehoming a adult
I'll try these. He won't even touch dry food. Everything has been wet food. He was only 10lbs and very malnourished when we got him. Then he had coccidia then he had to have surgery because he kept prolapsing. So maybe his tummy just is trying to get back to normal. He has a checkup in 3 weeks for his last set of shota so if he's still not eating great or losing weight then I'll see what his vet thinks. Here he was the day we got him. He was sooo skinny.

I've heard great things about simply nourish. That even picky dogs loved it. Any opinion or experience with it?
Well,we found out why he wasn't eating. He had intussusception. His small intestine was folding into his large intestine. I'm glad I brought him in when I did because once in the vet his intestines started coming out of his bottom. He went into emergency surgery and is now healing.
Poor guy! Thanks for the update! Glad to hear he is on the road to recovery.
Weekends r for boating

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