Chicklets: EEs and Silkie/EE crosses ***PIC HEAVY*** New Pics Page 2!!

Yes, more you all know by now..I can't get it...and I'm really not "that" slow!

Anyway, I love your picture of the one you quote saying...playing dead. They love to stretch after being in that egg.

I am excited that I still have 6 eggs to hatch by the end of the month, then I'm I've said many a time, but I really do want them to be feathered out by Oct. It starts getting cold by then. Welsummers are supposed to be a pretty hardy bird..
Ooh, Welsummers? I'm wanting to get a pen of dark brown egg layers, too, but I think I'll have to wait till next spring on those. I have so much going right now! The weathers aren't usually super cold here, and even if it does get pretty cold, it usually doesn't last long. About 3-4 weeks of really hard winter is all we get (by hard winter, I mean close to 0 degrees F). I think those rainy ones that stay around 35-40 degrees are worse. I hope you have great luck with your eggs!
One Week Old Today!

What is that???

Ready to snooze...

I'm a little Silkie, short and stout!

They're already getting their primaries. Thank goodness the chick hutch is in a shady area; the little ones haven't been as blasted by heat and sun as the larger chickens have.

More pics later!
They are so cute. Nothing like cute little baby chicks running about. I don't know what I'm going to do this fall and more fuzzy butts! I have one more hatch, going into lock down on Tues. with my Welsummers, and a couple of black, one may be a blue, she just wrote Orpington on the egg, but told me that she was throwing in some blues.
) So, so far, two Orpintons, and four Welsummers look to be doing great on the last stretch. Hope they all hatch. I really want a couple of hens out the Welsummers!
Are you planning on keeping the Orphingtons? If not and they are pullets I may be interested. That is if your close enough for a drive. I have 1 blue pullet and i'm getting a black cockerel. It would be nice to have another girl or two for him.
How are the boys doing? I put George in the pen with the silkies and they beat him up. Poor fella. I brought him in to cuddle hoping to make up for putting him in that situation and he stayed the night in the kitchen perched on the aquarium stand. He was so good. And Tippy didn't even bother him. He just wanted to eat his food.
I put him out to roam today but will be bringing him back in for the night since he's so good. He even did a real good job of hiting the paper when it came time to poop. Only misssed twice. He'll recover fine. He got some of what few feathers he has on his head pulled out and a couple bloody spots on his tiny head but he'll be fine.
Poor George! He's such a sweetie!

The boys are doing great! I've given them the doghouse (since the dogs never used it) and the fenced part of the yard until I'm sure they know where to come back to. Then they can roam a bit. No squabbles; they settled right in and made themselves comfy. Salem the Cat has succeeded in charming all my other cats. And me!
Those kittens are like that. They are so friendly. When they play they don't even put out their claws. They jump in Tippy's pen and let him do what ever and when they get tired of it they just jump right out. They want to be house cats but I say no. I"m not fond of having the litter box issue.

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