Chicklets: EEs and Silkie/EE crosses ***PIC HEAVY*** New Pics Page 2!!

Aww how cute. I started feeding a divverent brand of chick starter and they are really growing now. It's Dumar. We figured compared to driving to Martin to Rural King to Union City to TSC. We actually save money just from the gas. Although the Dumar costs a little more than a buck more and it's better feed. It costs about an extra $5 or $7 bucks to go to Martin from Union City. So they're getting better stuff now. At Rural King for every 20 bags of feed you buy you get a free one. It's still not worth the extra cash. So Dumar it is.
I'll have to get a pic of Lucky Ducks babies I have here.
How's the kitten? DH found homes for the last 3. Thank Goodness.
Salem the Kitten is doing great. He fit right into the feline madness!

Last night, Vic and I built a new chicken tractor that the silkies are using now. We have a little more work to do on it (wire mesh over part of the roof, hinges on the lid, and a paint job). They're out there right now enjoying new grass in my front yard.

Tonight we work on the coop that (hopefully) Roosevelt will be living in. It's been neglected for a while, so we have to clean it up and decide what materials we need to restore it. I've been looking at our young Wyandottes with an eye to choosing some hens for him from amongst them, until we can get some Orpington ladies. And maybe the LD babies will grow as big as their mama and be hens. So many plans!
The CS i'm going to I saw that there are many Orphingtons posted that people want to sell or trade. If your interested I can find out for you what they want and get them for you. I think i'm just gonna go with the pair I have. I may get 1 more but I doubt it. If I did it would be a lavender or lavender split so I would have a B/B/S pen of them.
That silkie mix makes some really pretty chicks doesn't it? We put Little spike in the big coop with the rest of her kind. Now she is begging me to put her back with Turbo. Apparently she preferred her own pen with one roo instead of sharing with 20. Can't say as I blame her but when I go in there she is at the door and I pick her up and carry her along with me and pet her as I do what I do. Maybe she will be happier when I bring home that Americauna cockerel. I'm thinking he'll be smaller than Buddy.

The mixes I still have have really shot up when I chaned the feed. I'm using Dumar now and it is really worth the extra couple bucks. It's so much better for them too.

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