In the Brooder
- Mar 2, 2018
- 16
- 5
- 19
Looking for some help. I am new to raising chicken (I read these threads all the time for help!) I let my silky that went broody sit on her eggs since spring is on the way. Last week I lost 2 silkies suddenly and was unsure what happened (I was fearing Marek) then I noticed the one full size hen I have with a red comb had a few brown spots (though she seems healthy and is still laying). Now I'm leaning toward fowl pox and thinking I couldn't see it on a silkie comb ( I have a silkie roo too, who I thought I was losing but he's holding on so far) I did order the vaccine for the babies but you can't do till 8 weeks? My guestion is do I need to remove the chicks when they hatch? I was planning on letting momma do it but I'm afraid they will get sick now. Or do I totally remove mom AND eggs to my garage. Mom seems fine not showing signs of sickness but she could have it. It was just a small flock of 5 now I'm down to 3 (and 2 viable eggs, I candled) Thanks for any advice!!