Chicks are dying 2 dead one left, WHY?

Thanks for your concern. We are not hatching anymore chicks. It was done for a science fair project and the hatching part went well. now with all the help I found here we know that chicks shouldn't be handled, and should get starter feed, water, bedding, and warmth(95 degrees).They should have a clean butt, and stay in one place with in the brooder until they are 4-6 weeks old and have feathers.
Now that we have a home made incubator that actually worked, so we may or may not hatch again.

Good news!!!
The left over chick (chedder) is doing well. He is eating the 'starter feed' and drinking plain water, and has a temperature around 95 degrees. he is staying in his brooder and has a mirror for company that he appreciates. Hopefully he will survive.

The shopkeeper at the place we bought feed gave us some gravel too. He said sprinkle over food so the chick can grind the food in throat. I am not too sure about this. What advice is available here???

Thanks to all who provided valuable advice!!!
Chicks on starter crumbs do not need grit which is the small stones that you have been given, this only serves to grind hard food down such as corn/seed with an outer husk, when the chick is old enough to eat corn then grit can be given.

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