Chicks are lost in the mail. :( USPS has no idea where they are.

Talk about irresponsible!!! My sympathies to anyone who has lost chicks because of poor service/shipping. It's truly heartbreaking. Top knot your chicks are adorable.
It would be neat to start a chick pool. In an area like say northern Illinois people could place their orders at Mcmurray and a couple of people could drive to get them. Have a meet point from there. Split up the fuel costs or however. Just an idea.....I think this would eliminate deaths and the horrible way we feel waiting and hoping.
This is what happened here - I just copied and pasted the post I had put on another thread so that's the reason the dates and days of the week won't make much sense. I also took pictures of the tracking information so I would have some evidence when I threw my temper tantrum with the Post Office, and those are added to this post. By the way, I am now down to 5 Golden Laced Wyandottes, 5 Easter Eggers, 1 Golden Buff, and 3 Buff Orpingtons.

"Had a shipping issue with the babies - paid for Express shipping, not realizing it was "Pony Express." They supposedly arrived in, and then left Casper and were scheduled for delivery yesterday, according to the tracking information. Late yesterday afternoon while I was at our post office trying to figure out the discrepancy in tracking info, our postmistress, Jan, called the Casper Post Office, and they told her the chicks were still there. They hadn't even left Casper yet. They were peeping, but still hours away by truck. Jan told them to put a big sign on the chick box that said, "Transport in cab of truck not with the cargo." Our mail goes to Lovell first, 6 miles from here, then is trucked over, so Jan also called the Lovell Post Office and told them when the truck got there to call usually gets there at 6 am. I woke up at 3:30 this morning just worried sick. Would they be on the truck? Were they okay? I resigned myself to losing a number of them as cold as it is here. By 5:54 we were sitting in the parking lot at the Lovell post office and as soon as the truck showed up I ran in the outer doors, banged on the still locked inner doors, and Mary let me in immediately. We checked the chicks - they didn't all look real good and there were 2 dead. Got them home, took them out one by one and checked for Pasty Butt, dunked their little beaks in water laced with a little sugar (thanks to the person who posted that hint, by the way) showed them where the food was and helped them each grab a nibble. It's now 7:34, and they are all chirping, eating and drinking. Although three of them still look a little wobbly, most of them are already exploring their fancy new digs. I got 5 each of Golden Laced Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Easter Eggers, and Golden Buffs. Not sure which of them didn't make it - they were yellow chicks but I'm not sure which are B Orpingtons and which are Golden Buffs."

So look at the tracking information and tell me what it tells you....<sigh> Looks like guaranteed delivery at 3:00 pm on Wednesdayto me, even though I didn't get them until Thursday at 6:30 am.

The last USPS update is 1,200 miles away from me. I don't understand why with Priority, they don't scan the package more often.

It's South Louisiana, and 29F here tonight. It's only going to be colder further North. I'm so disheartened! I lost a lot of chicks (only 4-5 survivors out of 25+) with my first McMurray order last year after extremely cold weather in February. I was hopeful that March would be warmer.

I will update in the morning.
This thread just made me change my order to pickup. I purposely choose a hatchery close to home (2hrs) doing this was a no brainer for me! So sorry for all the chicks that didn't make it, very sad. This is my first order of chicks and I am a little nervous!
This thread just made me change my order to pickup. I purposely choose a hatchery close to home (2hrs) doing this was a no brainer for me! So sorry for all the chicks that didn't make it, very sad. This is my first order of chicks and I am a little nervous!

Good move! You will be glad you made that decision!
We just completing our first year of being a chicken family. It's been very rewarding! We wanted to add more chickens to our flock, and wanted some specialty chickens that we found online at

The order shipped Tuesday (18 FEB 2014), and tracking shows the box did depart Cleveland, Ohio's Sort Facility. It was "guaranteed" to arrive Thursday by 3 PM because it was shipped priority mail express 2-day. After reading other threads about USPS, I know that the guarantee means nothing, but I was hoping.

Well, the USPS confirmed that they lost the order. They can't track it and they have no idea where it went. I called several times and went to talk to my local post office folks in person, and as of 4 PM Friday, no one knows where the shipment is. This is day three, and we all know that means that the chances of survival are getting slimmer by the minute.

It makes me very sad to think about chicks starving to death because the USPS can't track a box properly. The USPS says that the tracking number is for "product and tracking information." Even our local post office told me that if the box had arrived at another sort facility (like Indianapolis), it would have shown on the tracking.

I called My Pet Chicken, and they were appalled. They immediately put in a new order for us. It wasn't their fault, but they provided good customer service to make it right. They also warned us that the box may still arrive, and to not be surprised if they are all (or most) are dead.

Has anyone else has had trouble with boxes not arriving this week? Or was it just a fluke with us? I don't want to go through this again. It's breaking my heart.
OMG DONT TELL ME THIS! MY FIRST EVER CHICKS ARE TO BE SHIPPED MONDAY! Oooo i hope the chickies are okay.. i would call everyone i possibly could to find out where they would be... poor babies...
*updated just now* just read your other post.. im so so so sorry you lost them.... id be bawling... but thats just me.. i surely hope you get ur new order of chicks okay.. let us know!
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