chicks arrived all dead


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
any one get chicks from ideal that shipped out on feb. 4th. chicks might have got to cold on there trip to tennessee. i was wandering if i should wait for warmer weather to reorder.
You are the second person to post today that your chicks from Ideal perished during shipping!
Yeah, you probably should. The weather is just so unpredictable right now. Give it another couple of months and the chicks should be fine. I ordered mine for late April (last year) and they've all done great.

What kind of chicks did you order?

oh, and
Sorry to hear about your dead clucks. So sad. I am afraid to do mail order because I've been hearing so much about DOA shipments.
Sorry to hear you had to go through that.
I would definitely wait to get your replacement chicks. The weather is just too unpredictable this time of year.
Mine, too! I'm really thinking of asking them to hold off shipping mine!
I am sorry that happened to you. I personally enver order chicks for delivery before mid-march. it is just too cold. I will order earlier from Meyer and pay for the cold weather/small order package (A little nest and heating pad is in there with them).

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