Chicks arrived today w/ possible coccidiosis


May 29, 2022
Chicks collected from post office at opening this morning about 3 hours ago. All very lethargic and chilled. Got them warm and watered which has done a world of good but now seeing blood streaked mucousy diarrhea, some foamy droppings, this weird thing in the picture below, and pooping seems to be causing them discomfort with loud cheeping followed by an audible squirting sounding bm. Should I treat them for cocci or could this be something else?
If these are just day old chicks shipped from a hatchery, it may just be shipping stress, not coccidiosis. I would get some Poultry Nutridrench or Poultry Cell from a feed store, and give each chick a drop or two and get each one drinking fresh water by dipping their beaks into the water, and letting each swallow. Until you get that, mix a tsp of sugar into a cup of water and get then drinking. Check each chick for pasty butt, where droppings get stuck and dry on their vents, making it impossible to poop. Clean any off and check them daily for recurrence.
If these are just day old chicks shipped from a hatchery, it may just be shipping stress, not coccidiosis. I would get some Poultry Nutridrench or Poultry Cell from a feed store, and give each chick a drop or two and get each one drinking fresh water by dipping their beaks into the water, and letting each swallow. Until you get that, mix a tsp of sugar into a cup of water and get then drinking. Check each chick for pasty butt, where droppings get stuck and dry on their vents, making it impossible to poop. Clean any off and check them daily for recurrence.
Thanks. Already on nutridrench and no paste butt.
Green watery poo like that generally indicates empty digestive tracts. I bet it doesn't feel nice coming out! Definitely follow the advice above, and then moisten down some of your chick crumble (like 1 tablespoon) and let them eat. It's like having the runs but your system is empty.
Thank you both for replying. I've done this enough time I should have known better but that long green thing freaked me out :rolleyes: The brooder was set up with Nutridrench water, boiled egg yolk, and moist food when I put them in there and I think maybe some of them ate too quickly. Now that a couple hours have passed everything is looking more normal.

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