Chicks developed cross beak. Bad food?


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
I just noticed that 2 of my 2 week old bantam chicks have cross beak. This has to be new because I pick them up often and I would inspect them. One is a silkie, the other is an Ameraucana. They are both from different breeders. I am wondering if this is my fault. Is their crumble feed to big? I have always started my chicks on medicated chick crumble and have never had a problem, but I have not raised many bantams. This crumble did look a little larger to me than normal also.
The chicks are both vigorous and the same size as the other bantams, but I am worried now they won't get enough nutrition. Any feed back/ advice is greatly appreciated.
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The Ameraucana is not too bad, but this is it's mouth shut.


The silkie concerns me a lot. The tips of its beak is light. See how off it is?
It is a hereditary condition. It can correct itself later in life but is often seen in chicks 3-8 weeks of age. It isn't your fault since the skulls of affected birds show an asymmetry of the maxillae, nasals, and pre-maxillae which is likely the reason for the crooked beak. Give them good nutrition and small particle feed and the problem may correct itself.
Thanks for your response. I hope it does correct itself. Should I never use these chickens for breeding?

I have read a few people say this can also be caused by low temps. Anyone know anything about that?

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