Chicks dying!


In the Brooder
Jun 29, 2020
Please help! My chicks are dying and I don’t know why!

Some background: The chicks were hatched underneath a broody hen. We decided to build the chicks a home of their own when we failed to introduce a couple of keets we purchased to the mama chicken in the hopes she’d adopt them. The adoption didn’t take, so we needed to put them some place warm. We figured we’d stick all the chicks together in a little homemade incubator.

We don’t have a thermometer in there, but I check on them regularly (seriously, like twenty times a day) and they have never displayed any signs of being too cold or too hot. They don’t huddle together (though they cuddle when sleeping, but not packed tightly) and they don’t puff out their feathers or stay in the corners away from the light.

In the bottom of their coop we placed clean, dry wood chips. I change their water regularly.

So that is our set up.

But we have a BIG problem. One by one, our chicks have been dying. First it was a couple of the smaller ones. Okay, we thought, they were just genetically weak. Can always expect to lose a couple. But even now, nearly three weeks since they hatched, seemingly strong and healthy chicks are suddenly becoming lethargic, weak, then dropping dead! We lose about one a day. We started with 16 and are now down to 6, with two currently on the death bed.

The chicks do not have diarrhea. There are no sores on their face or anywhere else on their bodies. No mucus coming from nose or eyes. Looked in their mouths, everything looks fine.
What happens is this: a seemingly healthy chick starts looking sleepy. I’ll notice his eyes are closed most of the time, but he will still be standing, moving around a little and eating (but at a reduce pace). The chick becomes progressively lethargic. Then woozy and wobbly; it starts to have trouble walking and finally standing. The chick lies down, breathing heavily, and finally dies. The whole process usually takes about 24 hours from the time it first starts to become “sleepy.”

On the advice of one vet who we spoke to over the phone, we bought Fluban (an antibiotic for treating thyphoid, etc.) But after only treating them for one day, my husband received different advice: If their droppings are normal and their is no mucus present, better to give them vitamin water than antibiotics. So my husband stopped treating with Fluban and started giving vitamin water. But today, I insisted we try antibiotics again for a full treatment cycle because they are DYING and it’s obviously some kind of disease! It may be viral, in which case Fluban won’t help, but at least we can try.

Does anyone have any advice? My chicks and I live in Tanzania, if that makes any difference regarding local diseases.
Might be worth getting them some medicated feed... or something with amprolium to try. I was reading that sometimes there isn’t blood in the droppings when chicks get sick with coccidiosis. The other symptoms sound like it could be it...
I'm so sorry this is happening to your chicks. Its so frustrating. By the time you notice they are sick its almost too late. Coccidiosis is the most prevalent cause of mortality in chickens. Especially for chicks. I would proceed as if coccidiosis were the culprit. Without lab results its not definite but most likely. In addition, always add apple cider vinegar to their water to keep their digestive systems healthy. The PH keeps their digestive systems healthy and microscopic critters are less likely to develop. Also oregano and garlic keep their digestive and respiratory systems healthy. As far as saving them it might be too late. Coccidiosis is fatal for chicks (in most cases). I hope you were able to salvage your flock. I've battled Coccidiosis and it is a devil! The very best we can do is practice preventive healthcare in the chicken coop. I do hope it worked out for you.
Welcome To BYC

Can you please post some photos of the chicks, their poop and of the brooder set-up.

I'm not familiar with Fluban, but looking it up, I do not see it being listed as an antibiotic.
It looks like an allergy drug with antihistamine properties - Caffeine, Cetirizine, Paracetamol/Acetaminophen and Phenylephrine. Personally, would not give this to chickens.
@Eggcessive or @casportpony may know more the drug.

What are you feeding? ""we feed them a good quality food we mix ourselves (the same one we give our adult chickens). "" What is in the mix? Do the chicks have a source of grit?

What type of wood chips are the chicks on?
Any mold/wet or dampness in the wood chips?

What are your temperatures like where you live?

I'm sorry to hear you lost all but one of your chicken chicks.
The common denominator may be the Keets since you have not lost any of those. Possibly they introduced something to the chicks? Just speculation on my part, I'm not a vet.

Yes! Firstly, I think the Fluban medicine you found was probably a western medicine intended for people. I’ll pit a pic of our medicine, too.

The food we mix contains corn, dagaa (a small sardines like fish found in lake Victoria), very tiny shrimps also found in the lake which is a common chicken food here, bonemeal, salt, dried blood, and a little sunflower residue.

The wood chips are from local soft woods, mainly cypress and pine. We always leave them in the sun for a couple of days after purchasing them, so I think they are dry.

Temps here these days are in the high 20s (celcius) and it is the dry season.


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Sorry for your loss. Chickens really need to eat a balanced chick feed or all flock feed complete with added vitamins and minerals. Mixing a feed at home may be lacking in some nutrients, or possibly too much protein from the fish. Hard to know for sure. A necropsy by a poultry vet would be the best way to know what wnet wrong.

Enrofloxacin (Fluban, Baytril) is a good antibiotic, but some have reported that it tastes very bad, and should not be added to the water. It is better to feed it orally at a precise dose twice a day for 5 days.
Update: despite treating with antibiotics, all the chicks have died EXCEPT the two guinea fowl keets and one (apparently) super hardy male chick, may he go on to father many chicks with strong immunity 🙏
I’m very sad to hear this. It’s so frustrating to watch them die. For the future..I powder their hen house, nesting box and dust baths with diatomaceous earth. It’s a natural way to keep their digestive and respiratory systems healthy and controls mites. I powdered their oyster shells with it too. What I learned when it happened to me was that chickens, especially chicks, die quickly once they get this. Adults have a 50/50 chance of survival. This cocci lives everywhere in the dirt and environment. I sprayed the hen house with my home made wash. Let it air dry powdered diatomaceous earth (great stuff) everywhere and use apple cider vinegar in their water. Plus I worm them once per month. So far all is well. I’m so very sorry this happened to you.
Please help! My chicks are dying and I don’t know why!

Some background: The chicks were hatched underneath a broody hen. We decided to build the chicks a home of their own when we failed to introduce a couple of keets we purchased to the mama chicken in the hopes she’d adopt them. The adoption didn’t take, so we needed to put them some place warm. We figured we’d stick all the chicks together in a little homemade incubator.

We don’t have a thermometer in there, but I check on them regularly (seriously, like twenty times a day) and they have never displayed any signs of being too cold or too hot. They don’t huddle together (though they cuddle when sleeping, but not packed tightly) and they don’t puff out their feathers or stay in the corners away from the light.

In the bottom of their coop we placed clean, dry wood chips. I change their water regularly.

So that is our set up.

But we have a BIG problem. One by one, our chicks have been dying. First it was a couple of the smaller ones. Okay, we thought, they were just genetically weak. Can always expect to lose a couple. But even now, nearly three weeks since they hatched, seemingly strong and healthy chicks are suddenly becoming lethargic, weak, then dropping dead! We lose about one a day. We started with 16 and are now down to 6, with two currently on the death bed.

The chicks do not have diarrhea. There are no sores on their face or anywhere else on their bodies. No mucus coming from nose or eyes. Looked in their mouths, everything looks fine.
What happens is this: a seemingly healthy chick starts looking sleepy. I’ll notice his eyes are closed most of the time, but he will still be standing, moving around a little and eating (but at a reduce pace). The chick becomes progressively lethargic. Then woozy and wobbly; it starts to have trouble walking and finally standing. The chick lies down, breathing heavily, and finally dies. The whole process usually takes about 24 hours from the time it first starts to become “sleepy.”

On the advice of one vet who we spoke to over the phone, we bought Fluban (an antibiotic for treating thyphoid, etc.) But after only treating them for one day, my husband received different advice: If their droppings are normal and their is no mucus present, better to give them vitamin water than antibiotics. So my husband stopped treating with Fluban and started giving vitamin water. But today, I insisted we try antibiotics again for a full treatment cycle because they are DYING and it’s obviously some kind of disease! It may be viral, in which case Fluban won’t help, but at least we can try.

Does anyone have any advice? My chicks and I live in Tanzania, if that makes any difference regarding local diseases.
Is there anything that could poison them? Fumes, plants?

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