Chicks first time outside, mass hysterica....


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
I had them outside, it was a gorgeous sunny day. They did not enjoy themselves nad cheeped loudly the entire time until I took them back inside. Will they adjust? Is there anything I can do different? They were under a laundry basket flipped upside down and maybe they thought the grass was going to eat them from the sounds of it.
Even toddlers don't like the feel of grass on their feet at first. It's just something to get used to. Soon they'll be loving it!
Think about it, you took them from their home to a strange place...
They are roughly between the ages of 2 months to 3+ months. I'm hoping it gets better it time, no matter how many times I tried to tell them they'll love it ....
I would think that they are certainly old enough to be outside. Mine were in the coop and run at four weeks. If I put them under a laundry basket they would be plenty upset. I am wondering where do you keep them inside? Are they still in a brooder of some kind? Where do you intend to have them be on a permanent basis? They are old enough to be in their permanent outdoor home and not under a laundry basket.
Well living in Michigan and dealing with the very cold temps we've had, being outside isn't an option until very recently. We're still working on our coop, its not completed due to the awful weather we've had. The breeder I got them from told me they shouldn't be outside until it gets nicer out, now being closer to that time. These are bantams, small and 2 bantams under a laundry basket isn't the end of the world, it was my thought of getting them outside while keeping them safe at the same time. They certainly aren't living in a laundry basket in the backyard.
I'm a bit south of you, Zengirl, but the weather is pretty much the same. I took my chicks out last week and they didn't like it. Took them out again a few days ago when we had some sun. They still huddled together and didn't explore. These chicks are 5-6 weeks old now and fully feathered. My week old ducks were all over the place while the chicks just watched.

However, when the sun moved to the west they got more active and started to explore. That was before bedtime so I wonder if the angle of sunlight is a factor.

I'm waiting until it gets to about 50 degrees today and then the chicks and ducks are going out in the garden area. I'll have a heat lamp out there for them if they get chilly. And I'll be there too for them to sit on my lap.
They'll get used to it. It's normal for them to be freaky over new things and situations at first. All it took for mine was one chick spotting an ant and eating it, and then it clicked- "Hey, I'm a chicken, I'm outside! I can run around and eat things!" They've loved it ever since. Just give them time.

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