chicks laying down


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 28, 2009
We got our chicks this morning. My first chicks ever. Some of them are laying down like they are sleeping. Not all of them are doing it. I picked one of them up and she seems to be fine. Do they sleep laying down? Or is something else wrong?
Mine used to lay down when they were sleeping sometimes. There were several at the feed store today (I had to go get my fuzzy fix) laying down and sleeping. I would think if they are eating and drinking and everything else looks fine, then they are fine but maybe someone else has another opinion. This is only my second year having chickens. Good luck and congrats! They are so addicting
How old are they? Mine are about 5 weeks old now, I had never had chicks either and I was terrified to see them fall asleep standing up or falling over into the food (make sure they don't fall into any open dish of water and drown). I had some sleeping on their sides with feet out or behind them too. As long as they do periodically get up to eat or drink and can stand up by themselves they are just fine. They sleep a lot like any newborn does. Good luck and congratulations on the babies.
I read somewhere that putting a roost in there just off the floor is good for them. Should i wait? and how high should it be?
from what i can tell from everything i have studied since i began this endeavor. chicks are like humans they have many different individual sleeping positions. some sleep like you would think squatted with feet under them and head down the you have some that sleep on their side like they are dead. what i do to check is just tap on the box to get their attention if they make a quick movement then they are probably fine.
as far as roost im going to wait until the fourth week and i was told by a reliable soure to make roost atleast one inch in diameter (no less than 3/4 in) if diameter is too small it could result in crooked breastbone. so i use mountain laurel branches you could use any branch you can find. i use this because i like the more natural style... but i do believe that in colder climate areas people use 2x4 on its side because it helps keep the feet warmer:)
I read that giving them a roost too early may cause leg injuries. Last week mine were 4 weeks old so I made a small roost out of a closet sized "dowl" (spelling may be wrong) rod and placed it about 3 inches off the ground. Mine are still in my house in the laundry room. They are in a 3 x 5 water trough so they don't have much room yet, the roost really helped with boredom and every one of them sleep on it.

P.S. I just saw a pix that chickenlisa posted, it shows her babies sleeping...maybe like yours?!? You can search for her under author and find it too.
HaHaHa!!! That is what my brooder box looks like right now. A bunch of stuffed, warm babies splattered out with their necks stretched out. Not a care in the world!

Do not worry, if they eat and drink just fine. Watch their little butts for pasty butts, too.
If they are all spread out everywhere and not just piled up in a particular area, they probably are OK. If they are piled up, it means, that depending on where they are piled up, they are too warm or too cold, but the first few days they really sleep a lot and it seems that they may not make it, but they do . However, the brooder light gives them warmth and light and they may just be more active at times when you are not watching them.
They will be more active very soon.............

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