chicks lost in the mail

Well Remington, that seems to be the same place we get our mail from. We are in Eastern KY., and sorry to say, everything always gets lost or is way delayed. I have complained in writing several times. I know how you feel.
When I order chicks from Murray McMurray I usually get them on Sunday morning but last week I got them on Valentines Day and all arrived alive and healthy. Whenever I order chicks I always get them from McMurray Hatchery. I am sorry for yours and your chicks misfortune.
Is there no way to track them?
I was thinking the same thing, I have never gotten a delivery on Sunday, and I am curious how they were even shipped on Sunday? Saturday or Monday I can see, but something seems off here.
The PO doesn't do home delivery on Sundays, but mail shipments move between POs. If theirs is like mine, they will call if a live animal shipment comes in and let you pick them up through the back door. As for sending things out on Sundays, I'm not sure how that would be.
I had a Mcmurry order that went out Sunday-or in the wee hours Sat if you trust their shipping info...they went on Delta instead of FedEx Plane...PO was closed Presidents day...they were found by a postal worker at the airport PO who actually drove them out to my little po tunk town on his day off as the PO was closed for the holiday. Said there were a lot of Mcmurry screwups last weekend-13 to be exac at TIAt and that they had somehow been put on the wrong planes (he only deals with birds/fish live stuff that comes thru the PO). MAYBEEEEE check with Delta???
WOW! What a caring person that postal worker is!
I hope you wrote a letter of thanks to his supervisors.

Our postal office is closed both Saturday and Sunday. They will call you on a Saturday but on Sunday you are out of luck.
I used to work for the PO, I just don't understand how they can lose live chicks. It's not like they can't hear them. Those chicks raise up such a racket that you would think they would be overly eager to have them delivered. Although while I was in training at our distribution center, I saw a guy kickin' back in his chair watching a TV that was rigged up in his locker while he should have been working...

*Mail is picked up from the local PO's on Friday nights, then is shipped to the local distribution center, then goes on to the trucks to planes or other trucks over Saturday and Sunday. So even though the local PO's are closed Sat. and Sun, the mail is still moving behind the scenes.

On the other had, some of the carriers are awesome. I know mine is,
I let my carrier know a couple weeks ago that I had chicks coming and she was very insistent that she would like to special deliver them to the house so she could spend a few moments watching them run around the new brooder.

I am sorry to hear about this, but I hope that they will be found and delivered alive. I know how heartbreaking it is to open the box and have DOA's.
When my grandpa ordered hundreds of chicks every year the PO called him almost every year to come pick up boxes that weren't ours but had gotten screwed up in delivery or the address was wrong. Sometimes they were almost completely dead, other times we got lots and lots of free chicks. The first time either of us ever saw a polish or know they existed was when he got two boxes of 50 with about 1/2 alive. My grandmother sold them rather them rasing them for meat.

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