Chicks Love Perching!


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
It is amazing how quickly chicks enjoy perching. I added a few pieces of clean driftwood to my brooders. From nearly day two they have loved perching on the things! No sleeping on the floor, they'd rather climb onto a log and snooze there! My chicks are only about five days old. I will have to post pictures later today. If anyone else has any perching photos to share, please do!

It is even better when they make their hoppy flappy flying lessons off their perches too. So-freaking-adorable!
Don't ya just love it??
What a good idea, If I successfully have my first batch of babies this weekend I will try that too.
Mine were perching on feeder and waterer too. I ended up having to hang mine and did put about 5 small logs in the brooder for them to perch on! Some like to perch and others still like to snuggle in the pine chips.
It definitely helps reducing incidents of poop in their feeder and waterer, since they poop while perched just like they would as adults! It really seems a touch more natural with them perching, especially because they love it so much. Probably helps with their balance skills. At first there were some falls (nothing more than an inch or two) but now they've got the hang of it!

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