Chicks pecking each other at the face!!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 21, 2012
My chicks are 6 weeks old and had no problems at all, no problems with health, food, space, water, predators and injury. Until today when the three male chicks started pecking each other at their still growing combs and wattles then went all out and started pecking at every single part of each others face. Then two of the female chicks started to peck at the males faces, causing their skin to tear and bleed. Only one female chick didn't partake in the bloody mess and just stood by her mother and watched. Why did they suddenly get so violent against each other? It was not space since they were foraging outside when this happened and it wasn't because of a food issue or water issue. Was it one bully chick that started this? I didn't notice one chick starting this pecking frenzy they were all just foraging then the next second they were at each others throats. I seperated one of the female chicks that just didn't stop pecking at one of the males and now they are just peacefully foraging again. I am really confused, what happend?
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Could have just been a pecking order squabble that went to far and once they saw a few specks of blood they just escalated. Keep the one who seems to be the worst offender out for a day or so and keep an eye on the rest. If they seem to be doing ok then put her back in and watch them carefully. If it starts up again you may have to get rid of her. I have a zero tolerance policy in my flock for birds who want to start pecking just because once the habit gets started more join in and once they get that idea in their head to peck it can be very hard if not impossible to put a stop to it. Good luck with your birds, hope you can sort things out.
It's possible the males were in a little cock fight and someone drew blood, and the sight of blood can cause some chickens to go crazy, thus a pecking frenzy.

Maybe it was a pecking frenzy, and will possibly blow over?
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