Chicks ripped my Wellsummer's neck apart

Your little chicky was lucky to have you as an owner. You did what was best for him/her, even though it was the last thing you wanted to do.

So sorry you had to go through that. Just know that the little one isn't hurting anymore.

I'm so very sorry for you having had to go through that...You're braver than me...
The same thing happened to my silkie. I called the vet and they told me to wrap it up. I did that and she healed very well so I put her back in the coop in a seperate cage and another chicken someone attackted her again and ripped it open the whole process started over. She stayed inside for about a month and half then was brought back to the flock and they were fine for about a month and then one morning i found her dead and her neck was torn open agian. So I think what you did was much better instead of letting her go through that maybe again, like my poor silkies did.

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