chicks scared of their coop?

They do freak out a little when in new place. I would sit with them and let them explore.
Also is your coop floor wire or is it "solid" - I can't tell. If it's wire and they have never walked on that before, it may have been intimidating.
the floor is 50 50 where the food and water goes is wire and the other side is wood.. the brooder they was in is wire flooring its very fine mesh etc
Ah ok! So they are used to seeing some wire.
How are they doing? Have you tried putting them back out?

no. i was building a ramp for my home health aid that had a stroke from brain cancer.
been out getting the wood/paint and started to paint it. so i have not been here all day.

they are doing very good. they are now too big for theis second brooder. next is the 5ft x5ft one. soon. they follow me now its so cute.
no. i was building a ramp for my home health aid that had a stroke from brain cancer.
been out getting the wood/paint and started to paint it. so i have not been here all day.

they are doing very good. they are now too big for theis second brooder. next is the 5ft x5ft one. soon. they follow me now its so cute.
That's very kind of you 🤗

I'm glad the chicks are doing good! They will adjust to their new surroundings, it can take a little time. Chickens are weirdos, you just never know what they are going to do - I love it! LOL
That's very kind of you 🤗

I'm glad the chicks are doing good! They will adjust to their new surroundings, it can take a little time. Chickens are weirdos, you just never know what they are going to do - I love it! LOL

im just concerned that cakes(brown chick) was having heart failier because she went limp when i sat her down. she looked dead untill i picked her up and took her inside. then she started moving again. it was scary.
hello guys and gals,

so I took my 2 chicks outside today so they can see their coop and they started shaking and you could tell they was stressed really bad.

One of them seems to have maybe a bad heart. she literally fell on her side and her eyes closed and she went limp as soon as i sat her down in the coop so I ran over picked her up and brought her back inside. the other chicken seemed fine but she was making a really aweful sound like a cat being killed or something.... as soon as I brought them back inside they are both fine now but that was really scary. has anyone ever had a chick do that? they are 28 days old now.
So weird! Have you ever taken them outside before?

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