Chicks seem werid

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Bring them to a space they can cool off for a few minutes. Set up something in your bathtub or shower stall if you have one. It will at least save them from cooking to death during the night.
Do I make them a brooder in the shower?
Do you have an outdoor one? Or a forehead thermometer for people?
I have no themorneter at all ):

They seem to be moving away from the heat lamp. Move it up higher or point it on a smaller section. They might be too hot. Save a chick is a great start.
I gave them electrolytes.

Well if nothing else if you can get them in something big enough so they can move out from under the heat if they need to it should get you by. Like right now they need to be able to move out from under it.
This is the only box I have right now.
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