My flock started with ten gold sex links from the feed store. I hatched some RIR red eggs bout her last spring and added seven black sex links and 5 california whites to round the flock out at 28. I have yet to lose a bird. They winter over well and the 2 year olds will become chicken and biscuts around June.
I just put 13 Mixed eggs in the bator to test run. Teh resulting birds will be from healthy and prodigious layers of big brown eggs. While I am sure that they won't be true to breed, they should be pretty decent birds. I will be buy some layers and 2 sets of 25 meat birds this year.
I just put 13 Mixed eggs in the bator to test run. Teh resulting birds will be from healthy and prodigious layers of big brown eggs. While I am sure that they won't be true to breed, they should be pretty decent birds. I will be buy some layers and 2 sets of 25 meat birds this year.