Chicks should be at the feed stores soon.

My flock started with ten gold sex links from the feed store. I hatched some RIR red eggs bout her last spring and added seven black sex links and 5 california whites to round the flock out at 28. I have yet to lose a bird. They winter over well and the 2 year olds will become chicken and biscuts around June.

I just put 13 Mixed eggs in the bator to test run. Teh resulting birds will be from healthy and prodigious layers of big brown eggs. While I am sure that they won't be true to breed, they should be pretty decent birds. I will be buy some layers and 2 sets of 25 meat birds this year.
I think we need to get an incubator in the future. But generally the chicks in the feed stores are of a decent quality, from what I've seen around here at any rate. The place we go to will be getting their lot near the end of February.

I know for sure they have the wyandottes...but I need to speak with the owner again, she said they'll have quite a mixed bag this spring. It'll be interesting to see what else is in.
March... I can deal with March... maybe February if I do the bathroom broody thing... PHEW!

I don't think they could pull a 10 chick minimum here, leastways not for folks in my town, because most houses here would fall into the 1/4 acre or less thus cannot have more than four hens rule. That IS a bit odd though, what if they don't have 10?
I was thinking about this the other day...I thought well I will just keep letting hubby get the feed then I replayed all of the animals in my head that he always brings home...dogs, cats, fish, turtles, our first chickens..I swear he is worse then a kid.
Might be better if I start going now.
I should just keep the brooder stuff in an easy spot to get to.
Oh i can't wait...I always get a few to add to my hatched chicks. Can't resist them. This year the kids are begging me for ducks too. They want to take showers with them. LOL
Oh no! Another temptation.

TSC gets them around here but not until March or April. And you have to get there really early because they go like hotcakes!

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