Chicks trippin'


10 Years
Aug 5, 2012
Incubated eggs hatched 19 days ago ...15 new healthy chicks... until a couple of days ago I noticed one of them constantly moving it's head in a downward twist but still eating and drinking and seemingly 2 more are doing it and the 1st one seems worse. It acts like it's hallucinating...backing away from nothing and pecking at nothing and really it's trippin' on acid or something. I've been feeding them medicated chick starter...meal worm treats...water laced with a little apple cider vinegar and "chick boost" probiotic/electrolyte additive...been chopping up live worms for them too...started them on some chopped up kale yesterday also. Heads are going down not up like stargazing. Does anyone know what is wrong with them or what I should do for them? Thanks
Wry neck isn't solely stargazing. I had a bird that was unable to maintain balance and was falling forward constantly and folks here said it was wry neck, and it recovered after treating it as such.

Selenium you only need a little of, it can be found in tuna, egg yolks, sunflower seeds.

Vitamin B, I got liquid Vitamin B complex for humans. I'd also add Vitamin E (again I got liquid form for humans) for neurological health, as wry neck can possibly include some neurological issues as well.

I admit didn't measure anything so I can't really help with exact dosages. I did a few drops of each vitamin mixed into fermented feed each morning, and otherwise plain water, plain feed. I provided a bit of tuna or egg every few days, mixed into the feed as well. It took her 6 weeks to recover enough to leave isolation.
It sounds like they have wry neck, i would try getting some vitamin B and selenium in them.
Thank you for your reply, I didn't think it was wry neck because I thought they only looked upwards with wry neck??? Coronavirus has made buying anything a challenge these days any suggestions where I can get it? What form does it come in & how much do I give them? Thanks again

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