Chimes....Love them or hate them?


11 Years
Apr 5, 2008
Northern California
I am sitting here with my kitchen window open and i can hear my chimes. I love the sound they make.

How about you? Do you enjoy the sounds chimes make???
I love it too! My family has several around the yard. Two large ones hanging on trees and one on each porch (back and front).

I especially love the sound they make just before a storm. It reminds me of my favorite movie Twister!
LOVE LOVE LOVE them....I collect them and have for years.......I will have to get a pic of all of them on my front porch, I have 3 rows of them on my front porch. And one hanging on the coop, that the little girl down the road made me for mothersday

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I love chimes with a passion - I don't have any but they remind me of my grandma's farmhouse way back in the 70's.

I want the biggest set of chimes I can find - most of the time, they seem to be priced in the $100+ range (well worth the sound) but I've never spared myself the cash to purchase them... someday
Ok, I hate the tinkle tinkle ones.. I have a set of the Music of the Spheres ones.. and I consider them my prize possesion.
I have the Westminster ones, and I have them hung in my walnut tree outside my bedroom window.
I would highly recommend forking over teh cash for them, If you can.. they are the nicest chimes I have ever heard.

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