China's going nuts

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You know what's crazy. You can't find any medical face masks. All our local stores -- CVS, Target, etc., are sold out. I went on Amazon and the prices are CRAZY. A box of 10 was $60+. Normally about $8.00. I'm flying to Australia in a couple weeks and wanted a couple on hand for the plane, layovers, etc.
I found some at Dollar Tree. I got them as a precaution since my kids were sick at Christmas and we were going to be traveling. I'm using them now. I have the flu.
I found some at Dollar Tree. I got them as a precaution since my kids were sick at Christmas and we were going to be traveling. I'm using them now. I have the flu.
Whoa, sorry to hear that your sick! My DH got a box of ten masks from our local pharmacist, who grabbed a box from another nearby pharmacy. Hope you feel well soon!!
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