China's going nuts

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Try getting one of the masks for yard work at Home Depot or Lowe's. Also, you could ask your local doctor's office or hospital. They usually have tons.
Thanks for the tips! My DH talked with a friend and was told that even those masks are hard to find. Fortunately, DH talked with our local pharmacist, and he found a box for us. Ten masks for $8-something, so I'm all set for my trip. :)
I was over there about 6 years ago. Smog was awful!
Huh, about 6 years ago I lived in Bakersfield Ca... and air quality levels were SO bad (farming ain't all nice) it was said that walking a mile would be the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes to your lungs. :eek:

Even on nice days, we dare not open the windows.

Hubby had to go to work and suffered all kinds of shortness of breath and using inhalers facing pneumonia at least once per year . Since moving out of the awful air of California's central and southern San Joaquin valley... he no longer has those breathing issues! :yesss:

Unfortunately, most my birth family was raised in California farming communities... and many have faced pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, and even one of my cousins who never smoked nor exposed to second hand smoke by parents got lung cancer in his early 30's! :barnie

It seems so easy to point fingers at other countries when we may not realize just how bad things really are in our own. :confused:

I feel worst of all for the Chinese (on the surface anyways, just to keep it light hearted)... for not having access to the BYC community for their support! :hugs

While I may not agree with limits being set on how many offspring one family can have... I also understand that over population IS a real concern... and Earth cannot sustain an unlimited population... Doctors and science have helped to seriously increase our numbers. Air won't get better on it's own. :oops: (and this despite my mostly conservative views).

ETA: Air quality actually measured HIGHER than Beijing for several days... and driving down into the valley from the hills you could see the blanket of dirt and smog hanging on the valley floor. :sick
The staff feels that this thread is quite political in nature and we have always tried to discourage political talk because it is such a sensitive subject. So many beliefs and governmental views, etc...causes arguments, in flames, and are emotionally charged in nature. Thanks to all who participated.

The BYC Staff
With all due respect, regulations controlling mercury pollution will be relaxed, and I wouldn't want to live or raise children in those areas. Industries don't support cutting back on these regulations.

I understand and sympathize to a point, but where does it stop? We can't have a modern society without some risk. It's just the way it is; life isn't perfect. I've been around the block a few times and have learned that no matter how much environmental progress is made, radical environmentalists will always demand more, to the point of doing things that end up harming the environment. Because it's really not about the environment to them, but about political power. For example wind turbines. Those monstrosities are the biggest killers of raptor wildlife in existence. They are ecosystem destroyers (raptors, bats, insects) and harmful to human health (vibroacoustic disease caused by the infrasound they generate). Wind turbine companies are given a pass to kill thousands of bald and golden eagles with no consequences. Do we ever hear wailing from the environmentalists about that? No, but we do hear them wail if one bird gets killed by an oil slick. It's utter and total hypocrisy.
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