China's going nuts

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I think the communist party is overreacting to this situation because they're terrified of the anti-government protests in Hong Kong and are afraid it will spread to the mainland. Thus the heavy-handed and inhumane quarantines. It won't surprise me if what they're doing backfires on them, and the economy and government collapse.

How would anyone on this thread propose to do things differently in this situation? It's SOP in this type of situation.
Interesting read about how the CDC would respond, the movie Contagion is pretty accurate, can be found here. The Chinese are responding like any other government and the resources there are being overwhelmed just as they would be in the US. Remember the lack of flu vaccines a few years ago?
The really dangerous contagion is the irrational fear and madness that's consuming China. The Cambodian Prime Minister essentially said "enough is enough", and allowed a quarantined ship that was refused docking in 5 countries to dock in Cambodia. He personally greeted the passengers with flowers. That's how this madness will be defeated.

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There's nothing to be afraid about except people going crazy with fear like they are in China. Concern is appropriate, but it's best to wait and see how this plays out before jumping to conclusions.

The problem is if we have a outbreak here, we will not have enough resources for all the patients either. Needless to say, we even cannot make face masks and other protection equipment here. All these industries moved oversea. I just hope they can have it under control soon.
The problem is if we have a outbreak here, we will not have enough resources for all the patients either. Needless to say, we even cannot make face masks and other protection equipment here. All these industries moved oversea. I just hope they can have it under control soon.

You're just making an assumption. China's healthcare system is dysfunctional and corrupt. Violence against doctors is normal; one doctor got stabbed because he gave a bad diagnosis. No one wants to go to primary care physicians because they are stigmatized, and everyone wants to see specialists at the hospitals for even coughs and sniffles. Sick people start lining up outside in cold weather at 4 AM for the chance to see a specialist, and most are turned away. So hospitals are overwhelmed even in normal times. Their system is broken. IMO the perception that this is an apocalyptic disease is due to the dysfunctional society in which it's occurring. I seriously doubt this will be repeated anywhere else .
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You know what's crazy. You can't find any medical face masks. All our local stores -- CVS, Target, etc., are sold out. I went on Amazon and the prices are CRAZY. A box of 10 was $60+. Normally about $8.00. I'm flying to Australia in a couple weeks and wanted a couple on hand for the plane, layovers, etc.

Ifnyou need facemask go to lawn center at walmart or lowes or in tools department. Still lots of masks in these sections in my city 👍
Ifnyou need facemask go to lawn center at walmart or lowes or in tools department. Still lots of masks in these sections in my city 👍
Thanks! My DH got his hands on a box of the medical type for me. Although, he was told my friends that even those type of masks are becoming hard to find ... My DH is in construction/home remodeling. I actually bought a mask a while back for my hobby -- natural dyeing because I have to mix powders, etc. I even thought about bringing that. LOL!
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