Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Well, day 21 for me, my humidity had dropped to about 53 overnight and my temp is steady at 100... NOTHING!!! I'm glad to see Wolfie has at least one pip with the small air cells but something tells me that this is going to be a bad hatch and I will be lucky to get any.. I guess i am just one of those people who need to do a dry hatch... These were only a week behind so they didn't have much of a chance to lose moisture before the last batch went into lockdown... I'll keep them in there but I'm not expecting anything... Maybe I will play the "peeping chicks" on my phone for them again...

Good morning all! Happy Birthday to Wolftracks!!! I hope you have a great day and I am glad we get to spend our Birthdays "together".
Today is due day! Hoping everyone is having good luck with their hatches.
Today is the Chinese New Year so there better be some luck.
It is the year of the Rabbit so here is a bunny

I have quite the rompas room in my bator right now. I think I have 10 chicks and one quail chick out and 3 more pipped. I love my Brinsea but man they get crowded in there. I am really tempted to snatch them out so the other eggs have room to hatch.
Happy Birthday wolftracks and daisychick!

I have a pip this a blue egg. Actually it's more like a hole lol
Go chickies!
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I have my second pip. Pip number one is now a big whole. Not sure he understands the zipping process, we will see. He is very noisy. Pip number two is just a dent at the moment.

This is amazing.

happy new year everyone!

Congrats on the pips! Don't worry, I had 3 that made big holes before they actually figured out how to turn and zip around the shell. Hope you get to see them hatch here soon.
Good Morning from CT.

My 4 chicks were joined by 3 more overnight.

I unplugged the Hatcher and brought it downstairs so we can all watch the final act in the kitchen.
A lot of activity going on.
The sun is out for the first time in days and the chicks are very frisky in the daylight.

Of the 9 eggs remaining, 4 have pipped and 5 are still.
A lot more action to go!

The chicks tipped the cup of water overnight and 2 of them were sitting together in the empty cup looking up at me.

The other 3 chicks were cherping at the 4 pipped eggs to hurry along!

Another day of fun!
I had 2 hatched when I got home last night. and 3 more this morning. I don't see any pips in the other eggs, but that does not surprize me. I would guess I have more chickees when I get home, and whatever will hatch , will hatch by tommorrow. Kinda funny All my wellies from one line had hatched plus eggs from another pen. nothing from my black coppers, or other wellies. I moved my trays this morning. The top to had hatched in my sprotsman, so moved the bottom to the top and top down. I never measured the temp diff between top and bottom, but I suppose if its 1 degree cooler on the bottom, they could be a bit later. They were all in same incubator until monday night though.
Congrats on the pips! Don't worry, I had 3 that made big holes before they actually figured out how to turn and zip around the shell. Hope you get to see them hatch here soon.

Did it take them long? its been 6 hours now and he's still just sitting there with his beak sticking out the hole.

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