Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

It is illegal to sell the dyed chicks in bulk as a novelty. For personal use and for identification of breeds it is legal. It has been a favorite 4H project for years and since I have no intention of selling these chicks dyed I have nothing to worry about.

When Easter comes, I am going to get some white leghorns and dye them for Robert. Kool aid works best for me. I'm thinkin 4 or 5 should do it for the kid to take pics with.

i've also done the koolaid dying before. It makes a mess spraying that koolaid everywhere, but it does the same thing. The injecting method is less mess, but more hassle. The koolaid also works for adult chickens.
i candled eggs last night. 5/6 chicken eggs doing great. The other is a porous egg that is developing anyway. I didn't bother candling all of the quail eggs, but the few I did candle were fertile, so I'm hopeful.

It's the first time in a while i've actually been able to see inside the eggs. I love seeing the little chicks wiggle around inside the egg. It's so interesting and cute.
Wolfy when you mentioned 9 more days I smiled
It makes the waiting seem more manageable. I can wait 9 days. Which also means 9 more days till our Birthdays. I am more excited about the hatch then my b-day. I don't want to count them anymore. But I will look forward to my b-day dinner. That is a tradition at our house. It is more important than presents or cake. The Birthday person gets to pick the most fabulous dinner and then rest of the family has to make it and then we all eat. It is so fun! So Yeah for 9 days left!!!!

e.t.a one more bunny
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Please explain this kool aid thing...My kids would flip over colored chicks. I have plenty of little white serama cockerels. Do you just mix up a batch of kool aid and spray them???

p.s. I go to lockdown tonight.
9 more days.. still seems ages away. I'm in Scotland does that mean you are ahead of me (time wise)? will you be hatching first? I didn't set mine till late evening on the 13th, so i hope i am ahead of you - then we will hatch together -otherwise watching all your hatching posts might send me insane. Not that i'm not already going cuckoo.

Candled mine last night (made myself late for my pottery class) and threw out 5, 4 were clear and one 3 day quitter so still have 13 left and developing ok i think. I'm a bit worried about my high humidity (horrid wet british weather) but nothing i've tried will bring it down and i've put no water in the bator, its just naturally really humid.

I am crossing all my fingers and toes just now and so thankful to be able to read all your posts. You are keeping me occupied.

Can't wait till we all start hatching, so jealous you are already at lockdown!
When Easter comes, I am going to get some white leghorns and dye them for Robert. Kool aid works best for me. I'm thinkin 4 or 5 should do it for the kid to take pics with.

i've also done the koolaid dying before. It makes a mess spraying that koolaid everywhere, but it does the same thing. The injecting method is less mess, but more hassle. The koolaid also works for adult chickens.

Mess? You are doing it wrong!!! Use a paint brush - small one with the foam head.
lol I love my birthday for that specific reason. In our family birthday person gets to pick the meal! I am a grown women and i still beg my mom to make me my favorite dish for dinner when she comes out. And she is so sweet she always does it for me even though its a timely dish! It so yummy... i know how to make it but my mom makes it with love and it just taste so much better
.... I can't believe that we only have 9 days till HATCH DAY!!! I'm so excited! And this weekend and next week my grandma is coming to visit us all and i hope that will make time go by fast. She is so excited that she may be able to see my babies hatch! She loves all the pictures i send her of the baby chicks. Things have been so gloomy for the last two weeks and it seems to be getting a little better and brighter! *knock on wood*
Well I have another bum everyone out post, but please don't feel that way. I need you guys. Not feeling it yet, but sure I will. Maybe I won't and this will all help me get through it.

It will be my birthday, but it will all be different. It will be the first one in 13 years that I won't be spending it with Bill. My birthdays were always aweful, but he made them better. Then midnight we always lissed eachother Happy Birthday, because his was the 4th. For some reason his birthdays were always great, but mine?? Something always happened to throw a monkey wrench into the whole day. It's a bummer time, so when I saw that reminder about the 3rd being CNY I remembered he wanted to hatch for our birthdays and for CNY. Matter of fact we wanted to hatch on lots of holidays. Helps remember chicken ages. LOL comes in happy when you get old!

Isn't Scotland time before us??? Wow I forget! There goes that old age thing again.
We will all be here with you on your b-day and I know that is no where near the b-day you are used to having
but maybe it will be fun. I can't imagine how every Holiday and other special day would be without your special someone there. I hope things get better for you with time. I lost my Grandma this year that I spent most of my childhood with and this will be my first b-day without her special phone call. I miss her tons, but really try to smile at the memories. I hope we can make your Birthday a little special with all the hatching that will be going on.
Wouldn't it be fun if we all live near each other and had all of our incubators in the same room during hatch time. Sending more hugs out to you.

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