Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

I knew that extra day in the delivery vehicle wasn't good! Hopefully you'll get some cute NN out of this. Which eggs didn't survive?

The 2 banty eggs didn't grow at all, 1 EE egg, 1 darker brown one, 2 of the regular brown ones.

I still have the leghorn egg going strong, it is cool to candle because it is so white.

Colorado postal service is messed up. It took like 1 day to get from Maine to Denver, and then 2 days to get to my house which is 140 miles from Denver.
That happened with my quail eggs too. It is like the postal workers walk from Denver to my house.

GAAAH! on the banty eggs not growing. They are so cute with their speckled feathers and feathered shanks. Oh well. I'm glad the leghorn is growing too, those are super cool to see through. I had 2 in the NY hatch and neither progressed far. But my broody just hatched out the same NN/leghorn cross and the baby is so cute right now.... all yellow fuzz with a tiny black dot over one eye. The feathers are starting to grow in on the wings and are mostly white with a couple of black flecks. They should be awesome layers.
I'm sorry Debi
Don't blame ya for not wanting to shop after. Sending prayers for your friend, her hubby and family

Thank you! His 3rd grandchild was born yesterday and we all think he was holding on to life for that to happen.
I'm sorry Debi
Don't blame ya for not wanting to shop after. Sending prayers for your friend, her hubby and family

Thank you! His 3rd grandchild was born yesterday and we all think he was holding on to life for that to happen.

Sounds like he can rest easy now, and go in peace

You're welcome
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Debi - I'm sorry

I guess I will give the led's another chance. I must not have gotten ahold of the right ones, as the few different ones I have tried just didn't cut it.

Thank you Heather. It will go away eventually. I am looking forward to seeing pictures of your chicks.

Short check in tonight. Fridays and Saturdays are now 12 hr days for me.

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