Chinese New Year Hatch/February 3 2011

Here is my final update... I have 11 in the brooder and 1 is still in chickie ICU but doing much better now so i think (s)he will make a full recovery... Here are pics of the others!!








such cute pics.

Haven't read all the new posts yet as I just got on.
the eggs I bid on went over my budget. Trying not to spend too much as both sets of shipped eggs I tried had horrible hatch rates.

Oh well, I should be happy with the healthy ones that I have.
The only shipped egg that made it through lockdown has hatched. It is a cute butter yellow chick that is now in the bator with the others. I was watching Butters (somehow the name just fits) and got so tickled as Butters was leaning against the stuffed chicken as he/she wanted to get on top the way Scooter did. Poor Butters is newly hatched so did not have the umph to get up there and fell asleep standing against the stuffed hen toy.

They are so much fun to watch.
All my little ones are doing great! I do have one "special needs" chick. It is the only Naked Neck I got to hatch. I love this little girl!
Hoping it is a girl! She is doing much better today. I had to make a booty out of a bandaid because it has curled toes on just one foot. It is keeping itself upright so that is good. I have a really good feeling that it is going to get stronger by the day.
Superchemicalgirl here is our baby! I love "her" lots! First Naked Neck I have ever owned.
AWWWWwww so cute.

I made little booties for a silkie chick that hatched last Sat. I used a tiny piece of cardboard and a bandaid...worked like a charm! I left it on for 1 day. Hope SHE feels better soon.
Congrats on the chickies!

Wow, every 4 hours is dedication!

I fed at 6 - 7am, 1pm and 8 - 9pm when I got them. Cut back to 7am & 7pm when they were 3mo. Happy mine are weaned now.

6 hourly is reasonable while she is a itty bitty baby. The guy I got mine from had hundreds of goats and I can guarantee he wouldn't have been doing midnight feeds with the 20 or so bottle babies he had.

Such a pity Your not over here, I'd take a Nubian doe kid in an instant! I recently found out I'm intolerant to cows milk and I dearly want Nubian does or doe and doeling. I can't find any dairy goats around here. Only meat goats. Of course I found out about the cows milk issue right after I'd got a pair of buck kids to be weed eating pets.
I wanted does but DH said 'Why? Not like your going to milk them.'

Hindsight is 20/20 they say...
Sorry I haven't been posting. DH is in hospital with back surgery, having a bit of a rough time of it. A friends been feeding chickens etc. So I just got in after 3 days away and I have chicks in the brooder and some eggs still in the hatcher, no numbers yet or anything, but at least they are not late like the last ones!

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