chinese no name incubator


Feb 2, 2017

I have just received my Chinese no name incubator and im doing a test run before putting the eggs in

I have added water to the unit but cannot seem to find away to set the humidity levels, is this automatic? I have set the temp to 37.8?

Thanks very much

It would help if you posted a picture of your incubator if possible... or try to find one like it on google :D also, I don't want to come off as a smarta**, so if you already know things that I'll write, just skip 'em :D

Does it have a hygrometer built in? Generic Chinese incubators usually don't have automatic humidifier (as a matter of fact, most incubatrs don't). The humidity is usually controlled with water channels that are on the bottom of the incubator. Most incubators i've seen have two levels, and you need to fill one or both depending on what you want your humidity to be. Remember, the humidity is defined by the surface area of the water, not the depth of water itself. So if humidity is too low, you need to make the surface area through which the water can evaporate bigger, and vice versa.

And one more thing - since I also have a no name Chinese incubator, I've learnt that they are usually poorly insulated. Some people cover them with a thick towel (careful not to close the air vents), I built a styrofoam box and put mine inside. Poor insulation will result in uneven temperature through the 'bator and it might be hard to keep the humidity levels steady. This especially applies if the room temperature is anywhere below 25°C. If you notice any condensation on the walls of the incubator, it might be a good idea to provide additional insulation, that helped my hatch go from 20% to over 90% (with same settings)
Hi this is the one I have the humidity seems to be at 64% but there is hardly anyone water in the unit? I am using the polystyrene it came in to insulate it, any idea how to get it to settle?

Thanks very much

Okay, so it doesn't look like your incubator has any air vents (it might have some on the bottom i guess?) and if it closes well that might become a problem if you want to lower the humidity. Good ventilation is key for a good hatch, it is important that the egg gets enough oxygen. Humidity is also depends on the room humidity. Have you tried measuring it? In the summer I had about 40-45% humidity in the room, so I didn't even add water until lockdown. Afterwards, I made some aditional holes in the top lid of my bator. I won't advise you to do that, since you might damage the incubator. You might want to try running it dry and see what happens.
I have this same one. I barely add any water to it till lockdown. I fill the bottle and it will last over a week before I have to add water. I only add a tiny bit at a time. Humidity seems to be the biggest issue with this one for me. But a lot of my problem could be our crazy weather and the fact our outside humidity is changing so drastically every day or so.
I have taken it out of the polystyrene and emptied the water out and the humidity reading still goes to about 67

I cannot seem to get this down

There is two tiny vents on top and a smallish hole in the back
I have this same one.  I barely add any water to it till lockdown.  I fill the bottle and it will last over a week before I have to add water.  I only add a tiny bit at a time.  Humidity seems to be the biggest issue with this one for me.  But a lot of my problem could be our crazy weather and the fact our outside humidity is changing so drastically every day or so.  

Did you change any of the alarm settings etc does your humidity go straight up?
Well, just open all the vents and let it run dry for a couple of hours to make sure all the water dried off. If you can't get the humidity down, that might be because your room humidity is high, do you have a room hygrometer? Or maybe just check your local weather report online, it should give you a rough idea about what your local humidity levels are.
Thanks I don't have a hygrometer but checked local forecasts and humidity level is 86% that probably explains it I've knocked temp upto 39c and I'm getting an internal reading of around 37.6
Well i guess that is it then :D Now all you have to do is keep the temperature steady and you should be good to go. When I had high external humidity i added about a teaspoon of water once ot twice a day, so I kept the humidity around 50%, but you might want to try and put in a really small plastic container to reduce the surface area and play around to get a good size that will get you 40-50% humidity.

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