Chipmunk? Squirrel? Chicken?


In the Brooder
May 21, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
I have a funny two week old chick from Meyer Hatchery's $1 bargain bin and can't convince myself I have gotten its breed right. Please help!

Here is a picture: It's chipmunk coloring, no feathered feet, black "eyeliner", very curious and active, a bit flighty, tolerates being petted and held but doesn't volunteer. :)

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Hi @ColoradoLyssah , I've just joined this site recently so don't have much experience but your post caught my eye because I had 18 mysteries from Meyer and it was a fun journey to figure out what they are! Does this chick have legs that are turning greenish? I have two Easter Egger chicks from Meyer that stumped me at first but as their legs turned green I knew! Your chick looks like the lighter ones I had.
Wow, you're right! I was thinking it might be a partridge chantecler, but these look very similar too. The legs really aren't green at all, there is a little darkness that might turn into green as it gets older, but, there is a VERY close resemblance. I'll try to get a real light picture of it also. Thank you for your guesses!

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