Chocolate/Mauve Ameraucana color project~ BeakHouse

I'm selling my project chocolate hens from last generation.  No silkied, just chocolate and they are first generation. $20.  Will ship NPIP AI clean.


Oh you have got to be kidding... I want!!! I want!!! (But I can't...)
Hope so!  Getting buried in a blizzard right now and -20 or worse wind chill next couple.
Brrrrrdy freakn brrrrrrrrr!

1st gen as in silkied Ams and choc orp cross?  Yep, some number of steps beyond that but it's a slow, slow program with dble and sex linked recessives.  

I am interested in your project of your silkied am and chocolate orp project cross. I should of known I was not the only crazy one to think of that. I know you have to be farther along than me since my silkied chocolate Am's will just be of breeding age this spring. Do you have any pictures yet? And what traits are you breeding for? I would guess the silkied and chocolate genes?
Hi everyone, I just joined the thread. I would like to work on this project as well. I would prefer not to start from scratch and use a chocolate orpington. Does anyone on here still sell chocolate/split AM eggs or chicks? To help me get started?
OK guys and gals - I have risen from the dead! I've had grow out coop fire wipe out the great start I had last winter and then a big move for further set backs. Preditors and other losses. Grrrrr! Didn't even have internet for 6 months and and and and so much more. Fun times. We all go through them. Guess it was my turn in the barrel.

Anyway, I've split the choc SiAms into 2 breeding pens now. I've yet to get a silkied Am to breeding age with one disaster hitting after another (bummer) or a choc/mauve boy BUT I have added a couple mauve and a mauve splash pullets that are POL /starting to lay in with the stud proven to be a double split - that should help. I've got 3 hatches with several mauves, choc or silkieds growing out now so finger crossed between what's on the ground now and yet to hit the bator will finally make some real progress!

Then Candace is being a doll and letting me take 6 month old BBS silkied AMs of CatKai's line and a Silkied Black Lav split to give the Silkied programs a boost and infusion of new blood! I've also got a gorgeous hard feather black roo from Smith/Blehm lines waiting in the wings. Lav and black lav splits are breeding but I haven't introduced silkied genes yet. With the 9 juvies added to the mix all 3 programs should burst forward next season! Whoot!.

So yeah - projects are still alive and yes, I do have choc/mauve SiAm eggs available!

Suppose I missed Jean's choc hens .... bummer!
Does anyone know of a page or post that explains the results of chocolate x BBS breeding, including the mauves? Thanks so much!

Hope this helps.

BBS is a facet of a gene pair.. Chocolate is a sex linked recessive. Roos have a gene pair and Hens only a single gene. This means Roos can be split for choc but hens either show and are or
they do not have the choc gene.

BB = Black + cc/c- = Choc
Bb = Blue + cc/c- = Mauve
bb = Splash + cc/c- = Mauve Splash

The blue gene leaches out onto the feather so mauve is actually more a blue feather edged and tipped with chocolate. The color ends up looking like chocolate milk instead of purple - which is what I thought a mauve bird would be! Not that a pink/purple bird wouldn't be wayyyy cool.....

Assuming you know how to make the genetic square, you can work out the %'s.

The basics are this - you cannot get a choc/mauve male without BOTH the male and female parents contributing choc. So the hen must be choc/mauve and the roo must be either choc/mauve or split for it. On the other hand, even if the roo is not carrying choc at all - when bred to a choc/mauve hen all males will be split to choc because of her only having a single gene to contribute and it being choc. So as long as one parent carries choc with females only having a single choc gene, instead of a split you would get a choc/mauve female.

Then add in the silkied being recessive......both m and f have a gene pair for silkied feathers so either sex can be split for silkied.
Split to split = 25% not carrying silkied gene at all, 50% split for silkied and 25% silkied.
Silkied to split = 0% , 25% and 75%
Silkied to non silkied = 100% splits

Statistics are great - but it's a real roll of the dice getting everything matched up to produce both choc and silkied in the same bird!!!!! And then they have to make it to maturity to reproduce without something snatching the great chocolate silkied hope away until the next shot. They don't fly the best or have the best insulation with the fluffy feathers so it's usually these guys that take a hit. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!

Anyway, hope this all is now clear as mud. Aren;t you glad you asked? (G)
OK guys and gals - I have risen from the dead! I've had grow out coop fire wipe out the great start I had last winter and then a big move for further set backs. Preditors and other losses. Grrrrr! Didn't even have internet for 6 months and and and and so much more. Fun times. We all go through them. Guess it was my turn in the barrel.

Anyway, I've split the choc SiAms into 2 breeding pens now. I've yet to get a silkied Am to breeding age with one disaster hitting after another (bummer) or a choc/mauve boy BUT I have added a couple mauve and a mauve splash pullets that are POL /starting to lay in with the stud proven to be a double split - that should help. I've got 3 hatches with several mauves, choc or silkieds growing out now so finger crossed between what's on the ground now and yet to hit the bator will finally make some real progress!

Then Candace is being a doll and letting me take 6 month old BBS silkied AMs of CatKai's line and a Silkied Black Lav split to give the Silkied programs a boost and infusion of new blood! I've also got a gorgeous hard feather black roo from Smith/Blehm lines waiting in the wings. Lav and black lav splits are breeding but I haven't introduced silkied genes yet. With the 9 juvies added to the mix all 3 programs should burst forward next season! Whoot!.

So yeah - projects are still alive and yes, I do have choc/mauve SiAm eggs available!

Suppose I missed Jean's choc hens .... bummer!
I would love more info on your eggs you have available. i have one catkai SiAM splash pullet I think that has so far survived from the eggs I ordered and I am getting a rooster in a couple months when the weather cools here in AZ. I love my AM and want to work on chocolate hard feather and chocolate and mauve silkied. Please let me know. TYIA.

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