Chooks free to range, but hang out inside the coop/run?


Feb 1, 2022
East Tennessee
Is this normal behavior? It feels like they are scared/depressed. Slowis (lowest on the pecking order at one point became fat and slow, named by boy 😁) was killed by a hawk almost a month ago. i would expect them to be over it by now, but they’re still skittish.

Or…is it the windy weather that they are trying to avoid?

one other tangential thing; they sleep in the rafters, about seven feet up, where I cannot stop drafts. We have rednecked the coop a bit, so the winds not whipping through there, but it’s not draft free either.

five 11 month old bared rocks
There is obviously something making them wary... could be the wind but I would suspect they sense danger from some type of predator(s). But there might not be any particular reason whatsoever.
is it the windy weather that they are trying to avoid?
My birds go out in the rain but stay in when super windy. All the branches swinging and things flying around tend to get them edgy.

I'm honored when the birds choose to hang out in the space I spent so much time, effort, and funds to make secure and do figure they're more comfortable inside and enjoying the shelter I've provided. Looking at all the clues is important to help discern what's really going on. If it's just one individual bird hiding in the coop... then it needs further investigation.

I personally would (and did) block the rafters.. using chicken wire, cardboard, or whatever is deemed appropriate.. Jumping down to far can cause foot and leg injuries.. plus I do parasite checks at night once monthly.. and I ain't getting in the rafters.

Sometimes a recent hawk sighting or attack may have all the birds hunkered into the shelter. However chickens have extremely short attention spans and will quickly go about their business when not under immediate imminent threat. Sorry for your loss!

While chooks can miss a friend.. they don't tend to overthink things and become depressed long term like people. They're more living in the moment.

I hope it's just the wind and they continue to thrive! :fl
mine seem to be bored with free ranging these days. no greens, no worms, no bugs… and its cold and windy. they yell at me to let them out, so i give in, and not 20 mins later they’re making their way back to the run. come spring i know it will be a very different story!

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