How do you choose what breed of rooster in your flock? First off, Im new to chickens and recently acquired a flock of about 15 chickens ranging from 4 months to a year. They are mostly rhode island red and black australorp with a few mixes of the two thrown in there. There is a those island red rooster, and I believe a couple cockerels as well. Im new and don’t know enough about the appearance differences between males and females when they are young. Eventually, I want to get a lot more variety in my flock because there are so many cool breeds. When you have a mixed flock, how do you decide what breed you want your rooster to be? Is it solely based on appearance and attitude of the individual rooster? I would love to be able to hatch chicks in the future and let some of them be true to breed so I want to pair up my future rooster with hens of the same breed as well. There are just so many options that I don’t know how to choose. Im leaning towards welsummer or blue laced red Wyandotte’s currently, but time will tell. What factors do you consider when choosing a rooster breed for your mixed flock?