Chose an egg to root for! - Hatch-Along

@gimmie birdies can you please pass on this motivational message to Other Frank please?

You're a champion Other Frank, just envision yourself hatching first, see it, believe in yourself, and it will happen. You are strong, you are mighty, and you are totally adorable!
Since it is only day one, (less than) I did a quick peek(candle) while turning. If you have been setting eggs as long as I have, you know what to look for on day one. Below is what I call a love dot...(it is the size of a pencil eraser.)

After day one, it gets bigger but harder to see, and I will not candle again until day 4-5 where you can see and embryo quite well.
Some of the eggs had the dot this AM. This just means they are early starters...
The ones I remember having a dot, because I did not write it down...

There may have been more.
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These are older pics of my Farm Innovator incubator, just so you can see where the eggs have landed. Below I don't have turners like in this pic. I have them on thin ropes like the pic below...just to keep the eggs more large end up.


It is hand turn and still air, I have the incubator on a hard surface, so there is good air flow. (No rugs) I dry hatch until day 18, but we have a natural humidity of 50% or 55% (I don't use the humidity readings on the digital face of the incubator) This incubator does such a good job of the heat readings though, I trust it. The wire floor has a curve, I place it curve side down so the eggs if they roll, roll to the center. I never let eggs touch the wall of the incubator. I try not to over fill the incubator. 37 is a lot, but the incubator says 42. Especially if you have to hand turn 3x a day. But the weather has been warm so the eggs should not chill from opening and closing the incubator. Also 37 is the starting number, we may lose a few along the way. That is why you always set more than you think you need.
These are older pics of my Farm Innovator incubator, just so you can see where the eggs have landed. Below I don't have turners like in this pic. I have them on thin ropes like the pic below...just to keep the eggs more large end up.
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View attachment 3620753
It is hand turn and still air, I have the incubator on a hard surface, so there is good air flow. (No rugs) I dry hatch until day 18, but we have a natural humidity of 50% or 55% (I don't use the humidity readings on the digital face of the incubator) This incubator does such a good job of the heat readings though, I trust it. The wire floor has a curve, I place it curve side down so the eggs if they roll, roll to the center. I never let eggs touch the wall of the incubator. I try not to over fill the incubator. 37 is a lot, but the incubator says 42. Especially if you have to hand turn 3x a day. But the weather has been warm so the eggs should not chill from opening and closing the incubator. Also 37 is the starting number, we may lose a few along the way. That is why you always set more than you think you need.
Why do you need to keep their large end up? Does it help the chicks? Just asking because I don't know anything about incubating eggs

The round end has an air cell. If you set the egg point end up, that air-bubble, will try and get to the highest end of the egg. It would break thought the egg yolk, and contents to get to the high end. Also the chick will hatch air cell first, the large end will be his first breaths before it hatches. He needs lots of room to turn around and break the egg also.

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