Christmas candy


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
It doesn't include chickens or eggs, though yours might, but who is making Christmas candy this year?
I plan on coconut haystacks (if i can just find my recipe), peanut butter fudge, and peanut brittle, all dentist's nightmares.
Who is making what?
We are making

Three kinds of Fudge

Rocky Road

Six different kinds of cookies

Four different kinds of mini loaf breads, like pumpkin raisin, banana chocolate chunk, Cranberry Orange, and maybe zuccinni or another kind.
I'm getting my grandsons for a couple of days. I'm planing on making cookies with them like I did with their father when he was young.

Sugar cookie of course

chocolate chip

jam thumbprint

magic bars
I do fudge and peanut brittle. When the pecans aren't too expensive I do pecan brittle with tons of nuts. I also do chocolate peanut butter balls just like Grandma used to make.
How I wish I had known this sooner Miss Prissy and that you lived closer. Most of our pecans go to waste. The crows and other birds enjoy em, and I pick up a few to eat now and then, but that's it. Same thing with the black walnuts.
As to coconut haystacks, scrambled egg, if you wouldn't mind waiting until Monday I'll be sure to post the recipe...kinda like a mounds bar, but not quite. I don't have time to post it right now. It's 6.33 a.m. and I have to get ready for work @ 9. I'll be home from work by 10.00 a.m. tomorrow. *ugh* I hate these shifts.
I always make PB balls (my sisters fav)

Haystacks (pretzels, peanuts, melted white choc)

I make the best almond toffee ever

I sometimes make flavored hard candy

I make SO many different kinds of cookies.

Last year we made a gingerbread house.

I make crispix (sp?) mix (like chex mix but better)

and ofcourse rice krispie treats

I give little bags of each treat away for gifts to friends and family.
I would love some homegrown pecans. I miss my orchard so very much. I miss having unlimited amounts of nuts on hand to use in any way I choose without thought to the expense of the nuts.

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