Christmas Card Photo 2023!


Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Apr 21, 2014
Long Island, NY
Hi all! Did anyone include their flock in their cards this year? I always do as my family and friends really get a kick out of it. This year I decided to feature Penny Marshall as she had a rough spring as some of you may remember. She is doing great now and wanted to share with all. Please post your cards here!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Beautiful photo! How did you get her to sit so still? Mine keep moving around and pictures end up blurry 🤣

So Penny is a special needs chicken that needed a lot of help this Spring to recover. As a result she is very used to me and being handled and has a mellow approach to life. That being said I have some photography tips.

#1. Put yourself in their environment, I get some of my best pics in their coop with them (when they are roosting, resting or laying an egg)

#2. Be VERY patient

#3. Take a LOT of pictures

#4. Getting a pic of the whole flock is tough, so try to single one chicken or a group of two or three for your subject

#5. Try the end of the day when golden hour is upon us (30 min before sunset) not only is the light perfect but they are typically winding down for the evening and are more chill.

#6. Have fun!

By doing this I usually get a bunch of good ones that are keepers! Remember, some of the outtakes can be fun too!

Good luck!

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