Christmas challenge: I dare you....


Ok- how about this: If anyone finds something that would make a good gift and isn't from Asia, let us know!
Or even projects that kids can make

Kudos to the people with talent and creativity!
I love walmart and stuff from China. I don't go out looking to buy this stuff, but some of my purchases are imported. Some is made in America.

I do not worry about buying from other countries. If I can I will buy American but I don't go out of my way.

So no, I can't do the challenge....but good luck to all who try.

I don't have time to worry about all this mess. I live a frugal life. I conserve alot of electricity, do without extra gadgets I don't need to buy, recycle and do my small part in the world....but at some point I have to pick my battles. And when I shop I buy what I need, good price, good quality and don't worry about it.

Google "American Made Toys" and you will sites that have toys made here and you can purchase for the kids.
Adults are easier in my family. We don't trade gifts for adults..LOL

and yes anything homemade is nice. but if you make a dried bean soup in a pretty container, make sure those beans purchased aren't imported..LOL

I cant i have tried

I have been very careful about where things are produced... because of all the recalls and stuff in kids toys that are being made overseas and you know takes more time and energy then i have available

i have tried NOT shopping at wal~mart...... failed.... our little mom and pop stores just dont have what I need, or they are way to over priced that i cant afford it in some cases over a 200% markup
I never set foot in a wal-mart until we moved here 3 years ago. There were 2 grocery stores, and within a few months of the wal-mart opening, they both went out of business. I'll admit- you can't beat the prices most of the time.

But still- this can be a fun challenge!

One year I made all the adults gift baskets with nothing but products that benefit breast cancer research. Coffee, choocolate, lip balm, etc.

Another year I did all fair trade stuff- most of it from World Market & Ten Thousand Villages.

C'mon people! Let's have more ideas!!!!!
one thing is just to match the person with the gift.

like if you have a kid that loves puzzles----you can make one yourself.
wooden puzzles are super easy to make with a jig saw.
like color a rainbow and some flowers on it---or a jacked up funky puppy dog painted on a block of wood.
hit the jigsaw and cut. sand edges.

and wooden toys are actually easy to make. to make a small wooden train is not hard.

for babies, literally wooden blocks painted with numbers and letters.

wooden banks. very simple also.

older kids who have a desk---you can make a wooden desk set.

just google "wooden toy making" and boom, with a few cuts, paint and a few pins for wheels, you have a nice little toy.

so some of the basic old toys from wood are options
I love that- definately going to try it- seen as how we have all the tools and wood.

Ornaments are another easy thing to make if you have a jigsaw.
We made a bunch of trees, snowflakes, and star of David out of leftover sheet metal last year. All I had to buy was pretty ribbon.
My kids make their gifts.

Last year, the twins (who are 20) made Dijon Mustard and pickled garlic.

Ducky (who is 10) sewed placemats, a lovely 4 patch shoulder bag for an auntie and small throw cushions on which she needle felted personalised silhouettes (she did a buddha for another auntie, a sail boat for our close friends who sail, and a cat for grandparents with a cat and a dog for yet another auntie). Very only very little sewing help from me.

For Christmas, I gave Ducky my old sewing machine as I had bought a new one (demonstration model). This fit with our rules of regifting, second hand/used.

Things my kids have made for christmas over the years:

Peppermint bark
candycane mice
melt and pour soap
bath bombs
bath salts
various tree ornaments
brownies/cookies in a jar
fridge magnets
nut bark
shortbread cookies

I know there were lots more, but we are spanning back at least 17 years of gifts and each child made something different and my memory isn't what it once was.

The little guys I look after (2 yrs and 21 months) will be using crayola fabric crayons to draw on paper and then I will iron their artwork onto cotton shopping bags as gifts for their parents.
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